The Race Is On…Warrior Forum Success Stories

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racing car
from mar00ned


It has been about one month plus since I have started consolidating success stories from my Warrior friends.

It is not easy. BUT I will push on till I meet my target.

(Think this is the ultimate factor for success – persistence till the end.)

I must thank my Warrior friends for supporting me in this project.

I know everyone is busy and it is not easy to take time out to write their stories…their journeys of their Internet Marketing journey.

I want to thank my Warrior Friends for helping me out.

Thank U very much!

Here is an update of the stories contributors who have submitted their stories.

1. Abhishek Agarwal
2. Alan Petersen
3. Allen Graves
4. Alvin Huang
5. Andy Fletcher
6. Andy Henry
7. Angela V. Edwards
8. Anthony Hull
9. Asher Aw
10. Benrick Soh
11. Bill McRea
12. Brian Mahaffey
13. Bryan Zimmerman
14. Calvin Woon
15. Chris Willow
16. Daniel Molano
17. Davion Wong
18. Dean Shanin
19. Dee Power
20. Dominic Tay
21. Doug Barger
22. Doug McIsaac
23. Dylan Loh
24. Edmund Loh
25. Fabian Tan
26. Franck Silvestre
27. George Sepich
28. Imran Naseem
29. James Stein
30. Jason Keith
31. Jason Parker
32. Jeremy Kelsall & Donald VanFossen
33. Jit Uppal
34. Joel Chue
35. John Rogers
36. John Yeo
37. Jonathan Teng
38. Joseph Then
39. Justin Mandel
40. Ken Fry
41. Kevin Riley
42. Lance Tamashiro
43. Maria Gudelis
44. Michael Lee
45. Misako Ayuni & Hidman
46. Navneet Rai
47. Nicole Dean
48. Paul Johnson
49. Peggy Brown
50. Ronnie Nijmeh
51. Scott Drake
52. Seree Woradechjamroen
53. Shlomi Khutoretsky
54. Stephen Luc
55. Steve Meade
56. Sylvia Rolfe
57. Tim Shank
58. Tristan Bull
59. Vince Runza
60. Willie Crawford

Thanks so much! I am really very thankful for your help! =)

(updated on 17th June 09)


5 Responses to “The Race Is On…Warrior Forum Success Stories”

  1. Abhi says

    Great job John!

    I think this initiative of yours will teach us all a lot of things. There is nothing better than following other successful people and learning from their strategies and mistakes.

    These 50 stories would make us believe more in ourselves and in what we do. It will help us overcome greater challenges and hardships, and move us all towards success.

    To quote Robert G Allen:

    “Don’t let the opinions of the average man sway you. Dream, and he thinks you’re crazy. Succeed, and he thinks you’re lucky. Acquire wealth, and he thinks you’re greedy. Pay no attention. He simply doesn’t understand. ”

    We do not want to be the average man, neither do we want to follow the average mam. Instead we want to follow success. We want to follow leaders.

    I am sure after your book is released, it will drastically cut short the learning curve for many, helping them achieve success in a much shorter time.

    I look forward to reading the book 🙂


  2. John Yeo says

    Thanks Abhi….as of now….46 stories have been collected! =)

  3. Happy Father’s Day to Everyone! | John Yeo's Work AT Home Blog - says

    […] You can see all the Stories Contributors here at […]

  4. hidman says

    Hey John, I think your new series, 60 WSO success stories, is gonna be a major hit with everyone. This is the first of its kind. You are a true genius friend 🙂
    Looking forward to reading!

  5. John Yeo says

    @Hidman, thanks so much…u r a sincere and genuine friend too..would never have made it without your help and support… =)

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