Increase Your Income Sources…Be It Offline Or Online

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income sources
from elsvo

If you are making a few cents, do not stop there…

If you are making a few dollars, do not stop there…

If you are making a few hundred of dollars, do not stop there…

The only way to better your life and lead the lifestyle you want is to do this…

You got to increase the amount of money and the number of income streams going through you.

How to go about doing it?

I am going to show you how in this post.

Using Google Adsense:

I started off my internet marketing journey playing around with adsense. When there were a few clicks on my ads, I was very thrilled. I told my wife about it that I had earned money online.

It was just 8 cents then but I was really excited.

Then I began to move to online advertising when advertisers were placing advertisements on my wedding planning blog in the form of text link ads, blog post reviews and banner ads.

Online Advertising Really Works!

It was then money came in in terms of hundreds of dollars per month and it began to grow to a few thousands per month really soon. As shared in my blogging guide, more money came in from a second source – advertising.

However, we do not stop there. I will not advise anyone to stop when you see some success.

You got to move on to maintain and keep up with the momentum.

There is more money for you to fish out into your pocket!

My Recent Breakthrough… and You Can Do It Too!

My breakthrough when I started owning my products – products created by me and owned by me.

My income started to doubled and tripled every day as more sales came in through sales of my products.

The Learning Point of This Post:

What I want to share with you here is you have to own an asset which totally belongs to you.

Build your list of subscribers and customers base…Your list is an asset!

Own a product..Your product is your asset!

Build your own network of friends and partners…Your size of network measures how rich your net worth is…Your network is your asset!

How You can Start Right Now:

It can be a product such as a report, email course, book, a CD, VCD, mp3 which is created by you.

I personally choose to believe you have a unique experience, strength and knowledge which no one else has.

So what you can do is to share it as a sold product and earn money at the same time.

Sounds simple? Yes, it is this simple… =)

Let me explain to you how you can easily create it within the next one hour or 2.

A report:

You can create a report about 20 to 30 pages sharing your tips on how you have solve a problem.

An ebook:

You can create an ebook of about 50 to 90 pages and share specific steps on how you have done something well.

An email course:

You can create a series of 10 to 30 emails and sell them as a monthly subscription membership program.
(If you have 100 customers and you charge them at $10/month, you will get $1000 of recurring income every month.)

A video or mp3:

If you can speak or present yourself well, record yourself sharing tips on a video or in mp3 (audio) format.

Use this free Audacity sound editor.

In fact, I am sure now you have some better ideas on what you can possibly start with creating a product and marketing it successfully.

* * *

Imagine this…if you can sell your product at a price of $7 and you manage to sell 30 pieces every month.

It is US$270 of passive income for you every month and all you need to do is to sell one a day.

It is possible, isn’t it?

Share with me your thoughts on how you can start creating your own product now. I love to hear from you.


14 Responses to “Increase Your Income Sources…Be It Offline Or Online”

  1. Dave says

    Good stuff
    I am working on my own ebook right now and hope to have it ready before to long.
    Thanks for sharing your ideas.

  2. normz2 says

    Good post. It is very important to build your list. Every one has a different method. Some work better than others.

  3. GLORIOUS says

    Wow. Thank you John, this is so straight-to-the-point. I am relatively a newbie to all this internet/info marketing business in practical terms. I’ve only blogged for about 2 months now. However, I feel very confident that I can really apply these techniques to create my own product and start raising my online income to the next level. Guess what’s next is to TAKE ACTION. I’ll do just that. Thanks

  4. myrna says

    what is to must be.

  5. John Yeo says

    @Dave..continue to push and market it and sell will see your income skyrocket before you know it… =)

    @normz2: yes, choose a method which works for you best

    @Glorious..take action is the key to all these increased income

    @myrna: do what must be done 🙂

  6. charles chan says

    Having been online for nearly two years from now. I realised without a website or blog site will be like a sitting duck. I soon to take action from now to get myself out of the darkness all this years. Thanks for your advice.

  7. peter mcgrath says

    hi john

    another great post i have not set up my own blog yet but may i
    ask do you make most money by selling affiliate clickbank info prodects

    or do you rely on advertising like adsense or do you make your own products

    many thanks

  8. John Yeo says

    @Charles: yes, website is the online connection between you and your customers

    @Peter: I made most money from selling my own products and providing coaching and consultations to businesses and individuals

  9. Lana@Long Line Dog Training says

    You can generate a lot of free traffic using article directories. Do it on a consistent basis. Also, write SEO optomized posts. And, I’m finding craigslist a great place to advertise for a free report and get a lot of traffic. I just started a new wordpress blog and already have some decent traffic.

    Pick some topic you will feel motivated to write about. The first one I chose I got tired of and — no work, no gain.

  10. Karen says

    I have started a blog and had a few visitors. I have 2 followers. It has taken me three months to get this far. I haven’t made any money but keep hoping. Thank you for your advice.

  11. Jennyhow says

    i also started to realise about ads effect beginning of the year after trying on it. yes, loving this tactic and thanks for this great post. it’s an assurance that i can continue to work on this method. Keep up the good work, john.

  12. John Yeo says

    @Jennyhow: thanks and congrats too..keep developing your idea and let it evolve to more income streams!

  13. Mike says

    I am thankful for someone like you because of the information that you share is very valuble. I am fairly new to the internet marketing but feel very confident about what I am doing. Keep up the good work!!

  14. Kelvin Chan says

    Love this post so much … it makes achieving goals so much easier.

    Thanks John! 🙂

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