How Bloggers Can Make 4 Figures Per Month!
8 CommentsHi, I know that for the fact that you are reading this post, you are possibly looking for some ways to bring in more income so that you can either work less in your office or quit your job totally.
Working from home is possible and I am sure you can achieve your dream eventually.
And once you know of the shortest short-cut, you will be able to reach where you want to be within the shortest time.
Right now I am going to show you 5 simple steps that you can follow easily and start making 4 figures each month. (and you can quit your job!)
If you have a blog, you can easily leverage on your blog to achieve more success.
If you do not have any blog, it is ok too. You can always have a blog later on once you have done this step.
I assure you that this method will require the least time, least effort and least resources from you.
You will need to get the basic stuff such as a paid hosting and a domain from
Are you ready? “LET’S GO!!!
1. Get a domain
(Time required is about 10 mins)
You can buy a cheap domain such as info from The reason is you need a domain for you to place your squeeze page like mine here.
Somehow, it will look more professional compared to getting a blog from or
2. Sign up for a webhost
(Time required is about 10 mins)
A webhost is like a house for your domain and you can get one from
3. Buy a ready made ebook or create your own simple product
(Time required is about 10 to 30 mins)
If you have the budget, you can get a really high quality private label rights product from Warrior forum’s Warrior Special Offer section. You can visit
To create a video using a free software, go to
You can create a 10 mins instructional based videos. You can share how you can google free resources for dog trainers or you can do a simple 5 pages power point and do narration.
NVU provides a free html editor too and you can use it to edit your squeeze page.
4. Use this plugin to showcase your “Squeeze page”
(Time required is about 10 mins)
You can use this free Seth Godin’s plugin to have the link shown on top of all blog posts. This increases viewership and you can start directing traffic from your blog to your squeeze page.
5. The power of follow up emails to put more money in your pocket!
(Time required is about 10 – 30 mins)
Many bloggers have underestimated the power of follow emails.
You can use these emails to increase your monthly income up to 10 – 100X.
As mentioned in Authority Job Killer, there are some sure fire methods on what you can do to turn prospects into buying customers who buy from you again and again.
(Imagine collecting cash every month without doing anything!)
To find out more about Authority Job Killer so that you can kill your job and work from home, check it out at
8 Responses to “How Bloggers Can Make 4 Figures Per Month!”
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and oh, if you want a pic to show with your comment, go get a gravatar!
great idea…i like it…
Sounds great for beginners who want to have an online business. Same like my article directory that package with classified ads and wordpress blog to allow beginners to begin their first journey in online business.
Thank you for the tips and the plugin. Ok… I’ve got to do 3 things now. Create a squeeze page, create an ebook, and have a followup system for the emails that I will be getting. How do I start driving folks to my squeeze page?
Hi Paul,
As mentioned in Authority Job Killer, you can learn how to tap on JV partners for help.
This is the best form of traffic as it is very targeted.
Great idea John, like it. I think its simple way to make money but can you suggest what niche have high prices and people looking for? Thanks John
Hi Latief,
You can find profitable niches from Amazon best sellers section or ebay pulse.
They have done the research for you.
This is really a great step by step guide. It’s really easy to follow. Thanks John.
Nice post John! Setting up multiple squeeze pages can help you build your list fast. Then write at least 10 articles each for your squeeze pages and submit it to top article directories for passive list building. Just make sure that you are providing valuable free report.