Email Interview #23: Desmond Ong

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Desmond Ong

* Start of Interview *

1. Please introduce your name, who you are, which country are you staying in and your area of IM expertise

Hi there. I’m Desmond Ong from I’m currently staying in Kuala Lumpur. I don’t have a specific area of IM expertise but I am widely known as a site flipping expert, product launch expert and niche marketing expert.

2. Share with us your first success in Internet Marketing and how did you do that

My first success took some time because I’ve wasted a lot of time making money through eBay. I started making the big pile of money when I started to get into the niche marketing business.

I was selling $97 eBooks and I was hooked when I started to sold a few copies in the first week.

I like to call myself SEO-retarded because I am simply too lazy to learn about the search engines and how to game it. So, driving organic traffic was definitely something that I was not good at. I managed to overcome that by paying for traffic through PPC.

That’s how I managed to get those sales for my eBooks.

3. Share with us one obstacle which you have overcome and you have learnt alot from it

I think the worst obstacle that I’ve got is probably not having enough time to manage my online business. As I am a college student, it’s pretty difficult for me to juggle my social life, family, education as well as my online business.

I find that I could take good care of my time better as soon as I started using a to-do list.

4. Share with us one mindset tip you would like to share with others, especially those who find IM hard

Action SCREAMS louder than words.

I’ve trained A LOT of people and given them A LOT of opportunities and most of them just gave up halfway because they don’t take actions and procrastinate too much.

There’s no way you will be making money online if you don’t take action. It’s like waiting for a free lunch – which is not possible.

I also think that a lot of people who think IM is hard like to blame other people for their failures. They tend to blame the gurus for their mistakes which is just stupid in my opinion.

They need to understand that for every mistake they made, they are learning something new – and learned how to avoid that same mistake again.

5. Share with us one product/ service of yours which you feel is very unique

I would say the most unique product or service that I’ve ever created is probably my personal coaching program that is not for sale.

I worked really hard to train my students from zeros to heros because I can see the joys when some of my students called me up in the middle of the nights just to tell me they raked in $500 or so.

I pay very close attention to my private students because I want them to learn what they deserved to learn and guide them away from those so-called gurus.

I also have a product called The Site Flipping Code ( which I created together with my business partner, Jani G from London. That is the first ever product where I actually partner someone else instead of developing the whole product myself. Also, I’ve spent countless hours to develop and test the product’s quality. So, I guess that makes it a unique product.

6. One project you are working on right now and you would like my readers to know

I am working on a new product launch called The Niche Funnel System (https://www.nichefunnelsystem/) which is a gigantic course about effective and easy niche marketing.

I’ve seen a lot of internet marketers made the #1 mistake – not thinking long term. If you look at the top dogs in IM, all of them have businesses in information business or more particularly, niche marketing businesses AND all of them think long term.

That is how The Niche Funnel System comes into play.

This course will teach you about how to run a network of niche sites that can bring in 5-figure passive income just by following step-by-step instructions and skip most of the mistakes that most internet marketers are making.

7. One last tip you want to share with my readers

Just do it. Nike says just do it. So, just do it.

When I got started, everyone was convincing me that I was heading to the wrong direction – and I proved them wrong a couple of years later. If you believe in what you’re doing – I suggest you to just do it.

* End of Interview *


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