Email Interview #12: Calvin Woon

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Calvin Woon

* Start of Interview *

1. Please introduce your name, who you are, which country are you staying in and your area of IM expertise

My name is Calvin Woon and I’m online entrepreneur residing in Singapore. My area of IM expertise lies in product creation and viral marketing.

2. Share with us your first success in Internet Marketing and how did you do that

My first big breakthrough in the IM scene was when I co-created my first software product with my partner Jonathan Teng. What originated as a simple rebrandable software idea – Keyword Buzz – soon catapulted into a whole range of successful rebrandable buzz software that you see being circulated around the internet today.

It was our very first product launch together and it was run as a Warrior Special Offer. I must say it did pretty well as our very first customers included heavy weights like Ewen Chia, John Delevara, JP Schoeffel, Ian Del Carmen, Gabor Olah, Jeff Dedrick and many others.. Considering the fact that we were complete unknowns, it was quite a feat. And after that, everything took off from there as we launched one buzz software after another before setting up our highly popular rebrandable software membership site at

Similarly, I would recommend complete newbies who are trying to launch a IM product to use the Warrior Forum as a springboard as many established marketers do hang out there.

3. Share with us one obstacle which you have overcome and you have learnt alot from it

Well, when I started out, I was honestly dead broke. I was a full-time student back then and I’m not afraid to admit that I had almost zero savings and I come from a really humble family. Still, I literally scrimped and saved all I could so I was able to invest in useful guides and courses which indirectly contributed to the results I’ve achieved today.

I’m sure many people might be able to relate with this obstacle as many people might have decided to go into IM because they’re broke as well. No doubt, it’s not going to be easy as with little capital also means you have less to spend on advertising and cannot afford as many trials and errors.

But, what I’ve learnt from it is, do not view this as a huge obstacle and use it as an excuse to quit. Instead, use it as a driving force. Simply because you have little capital also means you have less room for failure, so use that to motivate yourself to really go all out to achieve your goals. Never use your lack of finances as a reason to justify your failure. If you do that, you’re simply self-pitying yourself and obviously it’s not going to help.

Just put aside all your negative thought and focus on all the things that will help you achieve success. 🙂

4. Share with us one mindset tip you would like to share with others, especially those who find IM hard

Be patient and not expect overnight success. Ask around and you’ll realize most successful marketers did not achieve their status today without experiencing numerous failures before. In fact, this applies to any industry. Without failures, there won’t be avenues for learning experiences, which are so valuable in life.

True enough, failures can be painful. But every successful entrepreneur certainly has to learn how to deal with failure effectively and use it to their advantage. So, I would advise those who find IM hard and are on the verge of quitting, to understand that it’s alright to fail.

The important thing is to learn from your failures and ensure that you do not repeat the same mistakes. When you do that, you’re bound to get closer to success each time.

5. Share with us about the uniqueness of your rebrandable buzz software.

In a nutshell, users would be able to rebrand our buzz software with their own name, banners and text link ads. The entire interface of the software can also be changed using the skins that we provide. And each of our buzz software comes with full give away or resell rights. So anyone can easily use their own rebranded software to either give it away to build their list or sell it to keep 100% profits.

And the coolest thing is, every user who downloads your rebranded version will be staring at your very own banners and text links inside the software whenever they use it. So the more your software gets circulated and downloaded, the more traffic and exposure your sites will get. Thus, this is honestly viral marketing at a whole new level.

To obtain over 12 rebrandable software instantly for free, do visit

6. One project you are working on right now and you would like my readers to know

One project I’m working on right now with my pretty and capable girlfriend/biz partner Patricia can be found at It’s basically a free IM training portal targeted towards mainly Singaporeans. In the midst of the global recession right now, more and more people are starting to see the need for extra sources of income and are slowly turning to the Internet to help them.

So we sincerely hope that through this site, it will serve as a viable platform to equip Singaporeans with the knowledge and tools required to achieve the income and freedom they so desire by becoming a work from home entrepreneur.

7. One last tip you want to share with my readers

Learning IM alone can be really tedious and lonely. Especially when you do not have any like-minded friends, it can be likened to fighting a long battle alone. So, my final tip would be to constantly immerse yourself with like-minded peers so as to keep the fire going always. If possible, try to find some accountability partners or mastermind group partners, whatever you call it.

The idea is just to have people by you side who will learn and grow together with you.

Go for your dreams and never let anyone put down your dreams!
God bless you!

* End of Interview *


2 Responses to “Email Interview #12: Calvin Woon”

  1. IM Buzz Riches Contest Result - We Are In Top 10! | John Yeo's Work AT Home Blog - says

    […] what is so special about him? Thanks to Calvin Woon, and of course my buddy & JV partner Stephen Luc, we are ranked #7 in the IM Buzz Riches […]

  2. Email Interview #27: Patricia Lin | John Yeo's Work AT Home Blog - says

    […] that paid out good affiliate commissions on some of the websites that I set up together with Calvin (my boyfriend). We basically set up keyword-rich sites and drove traffic to them and at the same […]

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