These are My Struggles; What is Yours?

comments  36 Comments

from ronaldo_f_cabuhat


I was talking to a very close friend this morning and I shared with him about secrets – my struggles while building my online business, something I seldom shared with other people.

He looked at me in absolute disbelief! It was as if I was lying with my eyes wide open.

I confided in him that I am always anxious and worried about not being able to complete my projects on time.

And my baby girl is going to be born any moment. There are going to be many more uncertainties ahead. I am not sure how much time I will have for my business, for my family and for her.

Still not believing me and the words he was hearing then, he admitted to me that he had always thought I am a care-free guy, friendly, always smiling and with no problem, no worries and no complaint.

This is what I told him…about my secret…

I just simply told him I don’t complain and grumble much. And thus he heard none from me.

This experience rang a bell in me: many of us have problems and struggles. Each of us has an untold story, one which only we ourselves know.

What about you?

What are your problems and struggles in life?

I know you are reading this post. I want to know you better and hear your story.

I am listening. Yes, right now…

At your comfort level behind your computer screen, share with me:
1. who you are? where you are from? your name?
2. how do you spend most of your time?
3. what challenge/ struggles are you facing now? (too little time because you are working; not enough support from your family members; too little faith in yourself and your talents…etc)

Share with me. I want to know more about you.


36 Responses to “These are My Struggles; What is Yours?”

  1. Misako says

    Thanks for the great post John. My current challenge is time management. I always end up taking too much time on not so important tasks. Any advice would be great! thanks..

  2. David says

    I spent most of time working very hard as a labourer as i don’t have good education and of course i hardly earn much.
    I subscribed your blog maintainance service couple weeks ago, hoping that I can use blog to earn some money so that i can improve my life. I am very anxious whether i go in the right niche or not, can drive traffic to the blog and make any money from the blog or.

  3. Lori Vargo says

    Hey John
    My biggest challenge is finances and time management.
    By the time I receive my paycheck, it goes right back out the door for bills. Timewise, I work 14 1/2 hour days most of the time, so I have early am or late pm available only.
    Trying to set up some websites of my own but need to find no cost or very cheap domain, hosting, etc, because have very little leftover to invest in myself.
    The greatest thing I have going is that I know I will end this vicious cycle, just taking time for me to find my way out of it

  4. Laura says

    I thought it was so great you asked this and hope you hear from lots of people. Mine is definitely time management as well… I work from home usually about 50 hours a week, struggle with health issues from time to time (with MS), have 4 kids (one with special needs that we teach at home), and am the primary breadwinner for the family. It’s a challenge to fit in ANYTHING extra!!!! But I see others doing it and that is such an encouragement and an inspiration, like Amy Bass from The Niche Blogger… it’s more of a challenge for some, but a matter of priorities. I’m still working on this daily but making progress! Finances are a challenge too… these days not too many people just starting out online have a whole lot of money to just flush down the toilet, and with your line of work you know this very well too. Thanks John. I just joined your Blog Cash Mentor site as well and am looking forward to learning a lot.

  5. Maria Mekus says

    I know a little about this… a little about that. SEO, blogging, keyword phrases, Squidoo, Adsense, Affiliate Marketing, etc. But now how do I put this all together, connect all the dots. It’s like trying to learn to drive a car all over again, for the very first time. How does one ever get to become another John Yeo. And on top of that, I have a never-stop-talking-moving-jumping 4-year old toddler boy around – all day long. Yikes!!

  6. Rune Ellingsen says

    Hi there John.
    My quick bio:
    Rune Ellingsen is my name. Learning affiliate marketing is my game:)
    I am from a small town one hour outside of Oslo. Capital of Norway. I snowboard, play poker and laugh a lot:)
    I have a daughter which turned 5 this sunday.
    Time flies:)

    For once I registered to an opt-in with a bogus name just to see how funny it would turn out… LOL…
    I called myself “RastaFuck”. LOL
    Every e-mail you send me has got “MY NAME” written in the beginning. Hilarious…
    I saw you on the Warrior Forum and I am glad that we both have joined.
    **** My Issues are:
    I am doing all of the research myself. Started 2 years back.
    I have been bombarded with offers from cheap scams to great content. I age 30 now the 25 march and I am experiencing somewhat of a life crisis LOL… A lot more left though:)
    The main problem is my memory! I can start on a project for so checking my mails in the registration process for example and then see another unread mail. NEED to see??? No! But often I do and then I get a little off target from what I was doing.
    All of the offers I get make me spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME doing research on products. I have tried Adwords and Facebook Ads. I have a website which I need to change my link in it. In the midst of this I had a computer crash. F:*(ing Vista. Now ALL XP!) I have a blog which I do not follow up on greatly. I am planning on a new higher converting product website. BUT…
    Can you see the pattern here? Getting off focus is so darn easy.
    I believe when you first have the one you need to give moolah in your pockets. The confidence level will rise and never stop rising. But at the start of anybodys marketing “scheme” lol… You would want A product. Thats that. Too much information is out there to steer newbies off course.

    The only way to find your goal is to not give up. The one who will wait for something good. Will eventually find it.
    And when he does… It is well worth the wait.

    Setting goals are important. Writing them down is to.
    This I HAVE done. But I am not doing it right now.
    Why? Trying to put some pieces together right now. I know what to do. But it takes time!)

    Love honest marketers!) Sincerely!! Keep up the good work
    Rune Ellingsen

  7. patricia ramsawh says

    I share the same story as Maria. Except that I am a grandmother taking care of my Autistic 8 yrs old grandson. He has two sisters. It’s hard to really stick to one particular thing. Your mind keeps running ahead of you.

  8. normz2 says

    My biggest problem has been getting too many e-mails, over 200 per day, a lot of them were spam. There was no way I can read that many. I have cut them down to about 30 a day. This gives me more time to get things done. I do not have a blog as yet. I have been building smaller sites to complement my large site. By linking them together I have doubled the traffic in about 2 months. Most of my traffic is coming from Canada. I am surprised that the traffic from the U.S.A. is so low, and the traffic from Russia is almost half of the U.S.A.

  9. Ian Bird says

    Hi John,
    Thanks for the interesting post.

    I’m a retired Aussie (72 years young) and have been surfing the net for a few years now. I have a couple of websites that I put together just to see if I could! and

    These websites are a great hobby for me, I can update them as I think of new things to try out.

    There are no major challenges for me at the moment, but I guess that doesn’t mean that there wont be some in the future!

    The info that I’ve gained from you on blogging (in particular) has been great and I’ll probably have a go at blogging soon.

    In the meantime, keep up the great work and keep the info flowing, I love it!


    Ian Bird

  10. Imman says

    Hi John,
    Blogging is really my forte but not stopping to become like you as my idol. I really like your strategy on blogging you attracted traffic that will return to your site.
    As for me I am struggling looking for the right person who gonna teach me how to blog. And I think I have found him. Everyday of my life since I have learned how to use internet, I didn’t stop to look for something I could use in the future for my retirement. I believe this is the start of what I am looking for.

    Thanks for sharing this.


  11. Mohan says

    Time… Time Management… need more time to handle and to finished off the reality of everyday life’s commitments each day as it is.

  12. Ian Bird says

    Hi John,

    I made a boob in that last email – I thought I checked it but ovbiously didn’t do a thouough job.

    One of the websites had a spelling mistake!

    It should have been:

    Sorry for that!!


    Ian Bird

  13. John Yeo says

    thanks for sharing your stories…keep them coming in =)


  14. nevus15 says

    whats really upsetting me is getting a job related with my career.And even I get a job they pay you a low salary.Of which four years of having been involved in a private school with high tution fees and all, you end up gettin paid at low rate payment..Isn’t that unfair…

  15. patricia ramsawh says

    Thanks for all those stories John. I am a Grandmother who takes care of her 3 grands. One is Autistic. So my time is mainly spent with him. I love my grands very much but I am desperate to do something for myself. Where to fit in my time is difficult. Especially the learning part.

  16. igor griffiths says

    Hi John, thanks for your regular emails great to hear about the immiment arrival of your daughter.

    I had a stable day job and wasted my evenings drifting along. Now I am on permament nights, I have just completed a 14 hour shift, going to bed once I have done the business tasks. I now need to focus on what matters and manage my time.

    The one lesson I learnt over the last few weeks is to keep it simple and stop improving the things that are working. My email was happy on POP3, I moved it to IMAP and my websites crashed so I wasted a week learning that this was the reason for the failure, before I went back to POP3 email.

    I now have my business basics sorted so here I am getting on with my business and this is going to be my year where all of my sites become either champions or put out to pasture.

    Speak soon

  17. sevjr15 says

    I am a filipino working abroad to gain extra income that i cannot receive from my home country, I’ve been working so hard these days without a dayoff for about two months,
    I have a wife and a daughter that needs me and my financial support. I have a short spare time to fix and set up my blog because my priority is to have enough rest to go for work everyday.

  18. Mr.Takaphan Jaruhungsin says

    Dear sir

    Thank you join to me.


  19. Bruce Blackwell says

    Perhaps my greatest fear is the fear of rejection and failure. I realize that if I step outside of my comfort zone and take risks – sale more – do more face-to-face presentations – invest more into advertising and marketing – it will probably pay off. But I fear those who will say “no” to my offer and I fear that the investment in marketing will not pay off.

    My greatest challenge is time management. I spend too much time working and not enough time for myself, friends and family. I keep telling myself that once I become another John Yeo – then I can spend more quality time with family and friends.

  20. Benjam Limjap says

    hi John,
    right now, my current struggle in my online business is advertising

  21. Jeanette Gross says

    Hi John,

    Thanks for asking. My name is Jeanette, & my husband is Gary.

    We have been in IM for about 4 years. We spend most of our time working building a blog network.

    Our major problem is building a list.


  22. James Dodson says

    My struggle is unique as my life has been. I have lived a very unusual life that could be rated as successful until the present. I am a HS dropout with advanced degrees. Traveled the world in a special unit in the Army and as a government employee. Have visited your country several times. I was enjoying my life not too long ago when a sudden and unexpected illness struck me. While hospitalized no one was taking care of my affairs. This resulted in a tremendous financial wipe out. Lost nearly everything including my beloved freedom. Only money can rescue me and allow me to return to the community. Prior to my illness I had some success on the net. I managed to purchase this computer as a means of makimng money. So far only negative results. Not only do I want my freedom back but also the ability to once again help others. I am seeking a way to have income so I can once more move forward.

  23. Tharin says

    I have a blog at N one knows it exists. Key words and links and all the rest are complicated. I’ve tried things but am seeing no traffic.

  24. James Elliott says

    Time,funds,focus,three,grand kids. One son and grandson has lived with us for over a year. The other grandson and granddaughter has stayed with us as much if not more than they have been with their mother and dad. They have been with us almost a year. Their mother and dad moved in either june or july last year. We had the kids full time about a mounth before that. Don’t know why they liked staying with us as much as they did. Some say the three year old granddaughter has Papa wraped around her finger.Not true but that is what thry say.

    Have been gettigg a lot of great information from you for a year or more. You ,Welly Mulia,Ewen Chia. I get a lot more but some I maybe open one time out of five. Read aboue where someone was getting 200 emails and cut them back to 30. It is for three days but I had 365 when I signed on but that is not the total count for the three days because I have been on here in the three days I just didn’t clear them all off. I was on this one or one of the other two addresses when I shut the computer down at 7:00A.M. this morning. May be here all night again. Get more done when granddaughter is asleep.

    Thanks for the great post and we will need pictures of the new gire when she arrives. I think I read where some had just signed up to your list. Stay on John’s list. He is not like some of them I get mail from. John is here to help us. Not like some that will tell you anything to get you to buy the product they happend to be selling at the time. John may tell you about a product sometimes that he thinks may be something we can yse but he wont send you 3-4 emails a day wanting you to buy. The money is good but that is not what John is about. If I had listen to him from the start I am sure that Things would be different for me now. Some of that hind site stuff. I have had a lot of hind site over the last 68 years.

    Thanks for all,


  25. Bruce Symons says

    Hi John
    Thanks for asking. I have a full time JOB that takes up much of my time. I work 10 hrs. or more a day. I have been at this JOB for over 20 years and never got to the point that i strived for.
    I started looking to the internet to help my finances and boy did i learn something. After years and years of getting and reading up on all the latest and greatest things to come out I learned most are just a waste of time and money. What i did was sought out someone who was making a living from home via the net and asked how he was doing his business. At first this was very hard because everyone i contacted was asking a arm and both legs to teach me his system. Finally i found the person that would teach me and just take some commission as payment for if they really know what they are doing that should be the favorite way of payment. He taught me how to build sites, get traffic and spot stuff to be careful of. I now offer the same type service and anyone that really knows his stuff should do the same. Why should you pay large sums of money up front with no guarantees. If the mentor is any good at what he does he should be glad to accept 10 to 20 percent of your earnings as payment. That way if you aren’t making any money with his program you will not have to pay him. I am a mentor and teacher and hope everyone reaches the goal they have set for themselves

  26. rumer certeza says

    My life’s been a continuous struggle and right now i can’t seem to break through that barrier. I’ve gone from prison overseas due to failure in settling credit card debts. My girlfriend of 5 years broke up with me. I’m a single dad and the company where i worked just closed. I’m barely trying to get my daughters through the day, put food on the table and constantly fear the arrival of monstrous bills. I’ve been trying to work on my online programs for some time but i’m making measly and most of the time not enough to support my kids, although i’m still hoping these online businesses will eventually work out for me. That’s all for now.

  27. t.syarbaini says

    Hi, John.
    Thanks, before hands for your willingness to hear other complains
    on the internet problems. First time on IM about 1 year ago, due to connecting facilities are available and relatively cheap. Tried to make website so many times but no succsess. I built the blog and just few days ago, they said my blog was suspended due to braking the agreements. I don’t know what happen, as long as I know I just do as the other people do. I am just frustrated to continue this biz. Frankly speaking, doing IM mainly to get more money for living from home. These time, so many emails come to my inbox, and all of them giving their gifts, beside that its make me boring all the way.
    might be you have the best way out to cope the problems,John?

    Sincerely your’s
    Taufik syarbaini

  28. Kirsten Plotkin says

    Well, for one thing, I have led an interesting life. I was born in Denmark, and immigrated to Australia, with my family, at age fifteen. I married young and spent 25 years in a tumultuous partnership with a fascinating and very complicated man. I’ve had one child, a son, who has given me five grandchildren.
    I traveled the world with my husband. I lived in many places, in several states and countries and I had some amazing experiences. At 42, I became a widow with very few resources. I did not want to go to work for others, so I created my own business. It was hard, but satisfying work and it kept me active for many years. I gave it up for early retirement. This proved a big mistake. Some people are just not suited for retirement and it seems I’m one of them.
    I have had one constant throughout my life. I love to write. Even as a little kid, I wrote short stories. At age fifteen, when my parents brought me to Australia, my life took a huge leap backward. I lost not only my country, my friends, my education and everything I knew and treasured. I also lost my language. This put a stop to my consuming passion to become a writer and journalist.
    It took several years to become fluent in English, even longer to regain my interest in writing, I write by instinct and words do not flow if they have to be mentally translated. Oddly until I was forced to change language, I had always assumed that thoughts were just that….you know – abstract’. I hadn’t realized that every thought is expressed in language.

    By now you have probably guessed that I love language and I particularly love the English language. It is a fascinating blend of old English and European tribal languages with some French culture added later. But unlike the structured, regulated European languages that evolved over time, English instead, became a free flowing, unstructured, ever adaptable tool for the imagination and self expression. I can’t remember who, but someone once wrote that the less structured a language is, the more freedom it allows for thought and expression. I’ve always remembered that, because it is what I love about English.
    Around three years ago, I realized, I needed to get back into business. I needed to keep my mind active and add some fresh experiences. Retirement did not suit my personality and my once reliable investment income was being reduced due to circumstances beyond my control. At that time I used to spend hours on my computer. It was inevitable that I would decide to start a home based business on the internet. I quickly realized that I had finally found an outlet for my writing. That’s when I began to write articles and emails for my business. Had I stayed in retirement I know now that I would not be the person I am today and despite many mistakes and disappointments, I like this version of me much better than the old one.
    My decision to write a book and publish it on the internet has brought another change to my life. It has enabled me to help other people change their life for the better. You see, about six years ago, I made what is best described as a discovery. I uncovered the secret to obesity. I learned that human beings are not meant to be obese, or even overweight. Our body is supposed to control our weight in a natural way. That is why we have a metabolism. I knew this would be upsetting news to the diet food industry but quite honestly, the human body was never designed for dieting. What did I do with my discovery? I practiced on myself. I did not want to share until I had proof. A year ago I finally published my first book. It proved exactly how I lost my weight and how I have kept it off for six years.
    I’m almost ready to publish my second book. This time I will disclose why everybody is getting fat. I will also prove who is causing it, and yes, there is somebody to blame, quite a few people actually. I will reveal how, for some thirty years, we were all duped about cholesterol and how this gave unscrupulous people an opportunity to cash in. The first book is called My Own Plan, and no, it is not a diet. I do not recommend dieting..ever! Diets are what got us into an obesity epidemic in the first place. The book is about why I got fat and how I lost the weight and kept it off permanently. If you want to learn more you will find a link below.
    My second book does not yet have a name. It will be published in 2 – 3 months.
    The hoplink and affiliate details are here,
    Kirsten Plotkin

  29. Diana Elsmere says

    Hi John.
    Thanks, I always enjoy hearing from you.

    My struggles have revolved around weight, health and fitness for over 50’s! Check out my blog at

    Most of those struggles are over now and have turned into me having a great deal of fun!

    Best regards

    Diana Elsmere

  30. sev says

    Hi John,

    I need your help, I have made a mistake in my settings:
    I was trying to change my blog name so i went to the Settings,
    then I clicked the General
    I changed the blog name to “NBA videos and highlights”
    then I also changed the url for the root, before, my blog url and the wordpress url were the same then I changed the wordpress url to but then I pressed the Save changes button, these warning appeared:

    Internal Server Error
    The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

    Please contact the server administrator, and inform them of the time the error occurred, and anything you might have done that may have caused the error.

    More information about this error may be available in the server error log.

    Additionally, a 500 Internal Server Error error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.


    Apache/2.2.14 (Unix) mod_ssl/2.2.14 OpenSSL/0.9.8m DAV/2 mod_fcgid/2.3.5 mod_auth_passthrough/2.1 mod_bwlimited/1.4 FrontPage/ Server at Port 80

    After that, I cannot log in to my wp-admin page

    Please help, as I am struggling at the moment and I am out of time coz I gotta run for work again.

    Thank you in advance and hoping to here from you soon…

  31. Paul Hanna says

    Hi John

    I have been reading your blog for a while now and look forward to receiving your emails.

    After a serious shoulder injury i could not work in my industry any more (I was a plasterer), so started looking around the internet for money making ideas.I think thats were my problems started, like most i opted into to many newsletters and that becomes the biggest time waster. I unsubscribed from all the what i call no help just sell lists.
    Driving traffic and is my problem plus all the many different learning curves needed.

    I have learned so much since my journey began, I do believe if i could of found a good mentor this journey would have been much easier but i did not have the money to do this.

    I was reading Lori Vargo`s comment about commiting to hosting costs, i have just posted on my a blog a solution for free hosting that helped me.
    a href=””

    Hope this will be helpfull, keep up the good work John and start an afforable mentorship, i think most of us who commented would be very interested.

  32. Jackie says

    Hi John,
    I live in the UK where I am currently job hunting. I’ve been looking for over a year now, with no success. I am 47, with 3 children and 2 granddaughters. I want to earn online, and I love to write. I don’t have any trouble coming up with ideas on what to write about, but I don’t publish a great deal because I lack the confidence. I don’t think anyone would be interested in what I have to say. I’m my own worst enemy, and I really need to boost my self-belief. After all, if I don’t publish anything, how will I know whether people like my style or not? I won’t ever get any feedback so I’ll never get the chance to improve.

    Thank you for giving us all the chance to voice our problems.

    Warm regards.


  33. Bob Spear says

    Hi John,
    I am a bookstore owner, an author, a book packager (edit, design, coach, and project manage books), and a self-publisher re-entering the fray after a 13-year hiatus. In the 90s, I was the go-to guy for military self-defense and personal security with 3 books selling in the 25,000 to 30,000 copies range and lesser with others. Now I’m publishing a series of 5 mysteries set in Leavenworth, Kansas, just north of Kansas City.

    I’m using Twitter (bobspear) and my book trends blog ( ) as a means of establishing credibility and a platform of fans. I have 6 different websites which all appear on the 1st page of google queries about their respective niches. I maintain my own sites through, which has a software package to do that.

    I’m most interested in how I can make some side money off my blog site. I’ve had 3,700+ visits to it since October. Lately, I have been documenting my re-entry back into self-publishing.

    I’m almost 65 years old, but I try to stay on top of things. Four of my mysteries are up as ebooks on Smashwords , the first is out as a POD, and I’m recording the first as a downloadable audio book for Hudson Audio. As you can see, I’m covering the waterfront in terms of channels and product types.

    I hope this info is helpful to you.

  34. Dorothy bellisario says

    My biggest problem is making any money nothing I’m doing is generating any cash I want to stay with blogging cause I love it but have to start earning soon

  35. New Cool Blogging Contest Coming Up! | Blog Simplicity - John Yeo's Work AT Home Blog says

    […] Thanks for the great submissions of your stories in the previous post on “What is your struggles?” […]

  36. Judith Young says

    Hello John

    I am a marketing specialist by profession but had to come back home because my hubby needed help in our offline business. We are the proud parents of two boys 9 and 13 years old. Although marketing is my specialty, offline marketing was a somewhat a new field to me. In 2003, I was able to create my salary online through a passive program and then it crashed. Since then, I have been trying to create an income online consistently. I have had many many failures but I have had some successes as well. Along the way I have made friends with people around the world and together when we are stuck we try to help each other.
    I know how to build a blog both for blogger and wordpress very well. I can build a website somewhat. I think I am pretty close to creating an income online consistently but sometimes I face obstacles as life gets in the way

    Our offline business is open everyday and so when it does close…it is family time and keeping up with the other things around the house. I am up early in the mornings…to catch up with some valuable time.

    My dream is to be a professional blogger earning a monthly income consistently and I believe that somewhere round the corner it is going to come pretty soon.

    Time/focus is my challenge….but i work on staying in the game one day at a time

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