Invest In Yourself If You Think You Deserve It

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from sebastien_mamy


It was a hectic week as I began to learn to be a first-time daddy.

Thank to some subscribers, I manage to get many helpful parenting tips from very experienced parents, grandparents and even great grandparents. Wow! “One even told me she has 7 great grand-children!

Somehow, it makes me wonder how inadequately I am equipped with parenting tips. My hands shivered as I carry my child to bottle-feed her. My heart throbbed and I am so scared I may if I am feeding her correctly. Typical anxiety of first time daddy, I guess.

Anxious, yes. But it is not stopping me from being the best daddy I can be.

As I read through the many emails from you sharing with me the various parenting tips, I was so amazed by the great reservoir of “parenting” resources I have in my list of 12,500 subscribers.

“I think we can even create a 100-page parenting guide book for first-time parents. :p

Amazing how much you can learn just by asking friends who I can trust…friends like yourself.

And when it comes to family members (somebody you love or who means alot to you), I am sure you will do whatever it takes to take good care of them.

Thanks alot for the sharing of knowledge with me!

And most importantly, I can feel the energy…so much positive energy.

I would like you to channel this positive energy and leverage it onto this journey of creating your profit-making blog and making a positive difference to your own life.

Make a commitment to yourself that you are willing to invest in your own future.

Similarly to taking care of someone, we do not know anything at first. But we have to do it anyway and everyday.

And gradually, we improve along the way.

Likewise in blogging or creating a product to market, there are many things you have yet to learn.

If you do not know how to set up a blog or install plugins, invest in paid ebooks or services which can help you.

If you do not know how to market your blog, invest in a blogging coach to guide you and help you reach your goal.

If you do not know where to start, invest in paying an experienced marketer who you believe and trust and pay him for his coaching service.

Being successful does not come free. There is a price to pay. Pay for the price to be successful. Only those who are willing to invest in themselves will have a higher chance to be successful.

See you at the top!

I would love to hear from you how you will be investing in your success – asking for a friend for help, setting aside 10% of your income to invest in educational tools such as books or paying someone to teach you…

Submit in the comment below… =)


10 Responses to “Invest In Yourself If You Think You Deserve It”

  1. patricia ramsawh says

    I really like this article. I would like to invest in setting up Adsense mini sites, but feel overwhelmed, especially since I am not a computer whiz. Also I cannot afford a real school as such so I will really look into the e-book thing.

    Enjoying Your new born?

    Thanks a lot.

  2. MC says

    I perfectly understand how hectic it can be. I have 3 young boys. 🙂 But it’s a blessing! Even with 3 little ones, as a mother, I have invested in myself by getting a mentor who has been there and done that. It’s great to have a mentor because it really boosts you up. Most especially, mentors help you in having the right mindset to succeed.

    Thanks John for your thoughts! Keep smiling always!

  3. donna b says

    I already invested in myself I wrote a Novel, and now I’m trying to learn to advertise it here wish me luck, stop by leave a comment or a backlink,

  4. peter mcgrath says

    hi John

    i like your creative thinking another good niche site a parenting site first born and it goes with your marriage niche

    are you and your wife getting enough sleep

    cheers peter mcgrath

  5. Alphonso says

    Greetings Fellow Dad;

    Did I mention I have eightteen grandchildren,who really have fun storming the castle, guess who gets the roll of
    castle gaurd !? Oh, but the fun doesn’t start until dragon
    hunting season, I now know why dragons are exstinct.LOL

    Life is short, and they really do grow up fast so welcome to the club, Yes I deserve It, have fun with hoursie back ride, “Enjoy”!

    +>Stay Frosty!

  6. igor says

    Hi John

    The best parenting advice you can have is to ignore all advice and trust your instincts first, then if that does not work look at the advice.

    I totally agree, the way to success is to work with those that have proven systems in the area that you want to operate in.

    all the best and sleep when you can


  7. Angelo Sayson says

    Hi John,

    I’m becoming a daddy too! 4 months now. I’m so very excited to see my first baby. Wonder what he/she would look like…

    Wish me luck, bro!

    Anyways, just wanna let you know that I’ve been on your list for sometime now and I like the way you treat your subscribers. Honestly, you’re one of the very few people that I personally admire and look onto when it comes to cultivating a mailing list. Hope you don’t change, man!

    God bless you and your family! Especially your new born child 🙂

    Angelo Sayson

  8. Henry Pilie says

    Well written article. I’m still deciding on what to blog about but you article just gave me an idea as to what i should write about.

    Henry Pilie

  9. t.syarbaini says

    Hi, John. You are righ, there is no free meal in this world.
    There is no profit without invesment, that is clear because it has a logic statement to everyone.

    Sucsess to you,

  10. Edward Han says

    Yes. Being a parent for the first time needs to have a huge investment to care for the child.

    I have 2 children and upbringing it the most important part in their lives. We have to do the RIGHT things so they will grow up to contribute to the society.

    I am glad that I have done so many good things for my children though they are still studying but moving in the direction of contributing to society.

    All the best of bringing up your child!

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