How To Keep Your Greatest Wealth

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How To Keep Your Greatest Wealth
from luismontemayor

Looks like in the world of internet marketing, we are always swarmed with info on how to make money.

Yes, you should start affiliate marketing…yes work hard…write more articles…post more blogs…find more partners….create products… (the list seems to be endless…)

One think I realise that most internet marketers do not teach is how to take care of the greatest wealth you have right now…

And here is to how you should be aware of the wealth you have now in the first place.

In the previous post, I shared abit on how I was experiencing chest tension for 2 weeks due to lots of multi-tasking, overwork and exhaustion.

I was literally burned up.

It is no joke. It was during this period of time that I started to reflect how fast my life has flashed past in front of me. As my dad passed away early due to cancer due to long term exhaustion due to work, it became very natural for myself to ask if I will I die.

It may sound silly now, having thought about it. But during the moment of poor health, nothing else seemed important anymore.

In this post, I tried to keep it sweet and short so that my readers such as yourself can get the message.

And in this post, your greatest wealth is in fact your health.

My chest tension had awakened me to realise this fact and I am glad to say I am better now (thanks to my Twitter friends)

In fact while I was having dinner with my wife yesterday, we made a pact to exercise half-an-hour every night. Recently I bought her a bicycle and we decided to cycle every night.

We started on yesterday night and we cycled for an hour.

It was a good start. Still, our wealth is our health and we have to keep to our long term of preserving it for as long as we can.

How do you stay healthy daily? I love to hear from you.


5 Responses to “How To Keep Your Greatest Wealth”

  1. Angeline says

    Sounds like you really did work too hard…I keep on reminding my husband too and I feel we are still trying to make a point to exercise at least once a week…lol :p

  2. Bal says

    Be sure that health includes the stress and sanity components, too. In our family, we frequently call “family game night.” Even though they’re the same board or card games, it’s a great way to reconnect after a few days and just have some downtime with each other. We used to have a pet hamster. Amazing what a little critter like that can do to de-stress a day.

  3. John Yeo says

    @Angeline: i think it is not easy to do something as a couple…the process will get challenging as both husband and wife have their work commitment…so enjoy the process and support each other

    @Bal: i have pet hamster too…in fact 2 and they are in the cage by my desk looking at me right now…family activities r important too…to chill out and to build bond with family members. in Singapore, most watch tv and that is not the wisest choice. :p

  4. GeeDee@reducesocialworkerstress says

    I am so glad you posted this John, I am a social worker,trainer and coach for social workers who suffer from stress related illness through their job. I am new to blogging and have been following your Product Wealth Secret. It is very important to include issues to do with wellbeing in all we do. As you are both a social worker and internet marketer like me, visit my site and take some good advice from me just as I have from you.
    Keep up the good work.
    Gee Dee (Gradle)

  5. John Yeo says

    @GeeDee: thanks alot…we all ought to take good care of our health =)

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