Email Interview #8: Joel Chue

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Joel Chue

* Start of Interview *

1. Please introduce your name, who you are, which country are you staying in and your area of IM expertise

Hello, my name is Joel Chue, from sunny Singapore. I’m heavily into search engine optimization, pay-per-click strategies for traffic to build my affiliate and internet businesses.

2. Share with us your first success in Internet Marketing and how did you do that

My first success was by creating a niche product in the “how to do well in school” market. It is basically a program to teach kids on how to excel in school, do better in their exams and actually really enjoy the entire process.

The concept was really simple. Find a hungry market and give them what they want. I did my first sale within 4 hours after I launched the site through Google Adwords as my traffic source.

When I did that first sale, I knew there’s money to be made and I could simply rinse and repeat this as many times as I like in other markets. So after that, it just snowballed… and I’m an “expert” in several niches today.

3. Share with us one obstacle which you have overcome and you have learnt alot from it

The major obstacle was really getting my priorities right. As an internet marketer, we probably have 1001 things to do everyday… but the most important thing anyone should do is to really focus on SELLING our product online.

For quite some time, I did not see my income growing despite being busy 24/7, weekends are also focus on doing Internet marketing (which I believe most readers are doing so as well).

So I sat down and started evaluating my actions and realized I’m just not focusing enough time on SELLING. So when I realized that, I started structuring my efforts to selling my stuff better and more often. And results happen… more money and other good stuff.

4. Share with us one mindset tip you would like to share with others, especially those who find IM hard

I strongly advocate the “hardcore” mindset for anyone who wants to succeed early. Pick one business model that you think you can do WELL, then pick another traffic strategy and just do nothing but scaling that business up.

So for example, you can choose the Review Affiliate Marketing system. Take 1 day to get your review site up, then do nothing else but write articles everyday to send traffic to your review site. Aim to make ONE sale ASAP (within 24 hours that be a good benchmark).

If 5 articles doesn’t get you a sale, then write more… or change your angle…be flexible but that doesn’t mean giving up early.

By being action and results oriented, you start seeing results (which is affiliate commissions), and in my opinion, that’s the best motivation anyone can get to continue with his efforts.

5. Share with us one product/ service of yours which you feel is very unique

I would recommend my Review Affiliate Marketing system, “Authority Blueprint X“, written by me and my partner, Alvin Huang. It allows anyone to make money quickly and easily.

The system works by leveraging on several important consumer buyers’ mindsets.

The most important among all is that you be targeting keywords that people already have an interest to buy. Technically, its called commercial intention.

Just by focusing on this key concept alone, you can reduce any unnecessary effort and get results faster.

6. One project you are working on right now and you would like my readers to know

I’m currently working on several projects both in the IM and non-IM niches… and the most exciting one has to be this fully automated article submission service known as “Article Submit Auto”. You can view the “pre-launch” phase at

It’s going to go LIVE pretty soon and will give all article marketers a tremendous boost in their marketing efforts.

7. One last tip you want to share with my readers

Learn what it takes to succeed online then go do it. You need to first have the right information then you take ACTION to implement all the ideas that will make a difference in your business and life. Follow this simple 2-step formula and you be thriving in no time.


* End of Interview *

Share with us your thoughts. I would love to hear from you. =)


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