Email Interview #32: Stuart Tan

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In this new email interview, I am delighted to feature one of my mentors who has helped me alot in starting my Internet marketing business back in 2006.

His name is Stuart Tan. He is an excellent coach and he has been my role model all these while.

* Start of Interview *

1. Please share with my readers who you are and what nature of business you are running.

I’m a trainer and the Executive Director of Adam Khoo Learning Technologies Group. I primarily do coaching and training of corporate managers and executives.

2. What motivates you to create your business?

We started in 2002 and have built a sizable business over the years due to a positive combination of teamwork. Our main desire is to empower and develop people in as many ways as possible ranging from children to adults.

3. Were there any challenge you face along the way? Please share one which almost stop you from pursuing your dream.

I think most challenges are there to test you. There’s no such thing as a challenge that stops one from pursuing a dream, unless the dreamer stops dreaming. We don’t stop dreaming. And it’s important that difficulties we go through make us stronger and more resilient, keeps us on our toes and learning. Thanks to a good management, we have had the opportunity to overcome a great number of challenges even in the recent economic crisis.

4. How did you cope then? What motivates you to push on?

I think the identity of an organization must be to create value in the world. The people running any organization must be closely aligned with such a mission, or else there is a goal but no desire to be motivated to move toward it.

5. If there is this one tip you can share with anyone who wants to start a business, what is it?

Don’t bother starting a business if it’s just for money. Focus on building a lasting empire. Quit jumping on short term opportunities because it is only going to get you killed. Build a culture that will outlast you, build a team that will surpass you, then get out of their way and learn to let go. Enjoy your life by doing things that enrich you, not things that make you rich, as the riches come when you are learned and educated enough to recognize that wealth is not about you alone.

6. How do you juggle your time between running your business and spending it with your family.

I don’t run the business. I let my managers run it. And they’re doing a great job. My time is put in adding value to people’s lives. That’s what my wife does, and we talk about how to do it in various ways so that we grow together.

7. Any current product or training you are have right now. Tell us more.

I’m in the process of building a series of readings on the topic of personal development through the lenses of NLP (neuro linguistic programming). You’ll get to know more about it if you follow me on Facebook.

8. Any other final thing you would love to share in this interview.

It is not the business that defines the person. It is the person that defines the business. Likewise, don’t let wealth or any other entity blind you from the fact that if you don’t shine, nothing around you will. Life is short, so play it smart by ensuring you are achieving wholistic success, not just wealth alone. It’s just sad to see people who are unhappy running their business. Sure, they are wealthy, but they never thought of being happy at the same time. Keep learning and growing so anything you do is merely an extension of who you are.

* End of Interview *


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