Are You Willing To Think Outside the Box and Make More Money?

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think out of box
from ndybisz

Recently, I did a post in Warrior forum (a forum for internet marketers) and find that it should also benefit my readers.

So I want to share with you.

Here you go:



I have been reading threads contributed by Warriors who are making
money. One thing that strike me most is they are willing to think out
of the box

I know taking action is important…but if it leads to nowhere, with no
structured, proven and planned strategy, the time and effort invested
can be quite pointless.

The marketers who are successful do extensive reading and spend more time thinking and analysing….

I feel the thinking process can be structured in this manner (and if you
find thinking out of the box is hard, this post may help you.)

1. find a success story (there are plenty in the Warrior forum)

2. ask yourself what this marketer is doing right

3. ask what did the marketer do specifically to convince the buyer pay for the product

4. name one way you can further improve this method (this will be a test of how much you know or how extensive you read)

5. where else can you share/ discuss your idea so that it evolves (do you have a group of like-minded friends who can bring your idea to a greater height? And you grow in the process)

Personally, I do most of my time thinking and reading and talking with my mastermind group.

To be able to learn more and improvise on the methods, what you need
to do is to invest in your own learning, have an open mindset to learn more
and share what you know.

Arm yourself with these mindsets before you start creating your own
products that can sell.

I think it is a personal choice, we can be any other marketer or someone
who has a unique marketing strategy that can continuously deliver.

It is a personal choice – and the choice is to think out of the box and invest in your own learning.

My 2 cents,


Share with me your thoughts. I love to hear from you.


7 Responses to “Are You Willing To Think Outside the Box and Make More Money?”

  1. Ed says

    Nice one Jon. Brilliant Photo! How the hell did they get that.

  2. Aaron Myers says

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  3. Instant SEO@Rom Machine says

    Hey it is nice. Nice pic also. Thank You……….

  4. Alex Yeo@Niche Marketing says

    Yup. Learning is very important. In the online world, things change so fast that you have to learn, re-learn and adapt to it.

    Sometimes we may not see results even though we think we are doing it “right”. What works for others might not work for you. We have to tweak until it works for you, in a sense that we have to think outside the box. 🙂

  5. Lance Tamashiro says

    Excellent tips about modeling, reverse engineering and innovation can make you lots of money. It doesn’t have to be so hard.


  6. Leon Huang@Wedding Photojournalist says

    Woah! That photo is amazing!

  7. im bored says

    it is a good information about making more investment in this post. and i need to keep those informations in my mind and learn from it.

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