5 Surefire Tips On Building Authority Online

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from tropicaliving

Recently, I met my good friend Perry Lai on MSN chat and we did discuss about the topic on building authority. He will be doing a workshop soon and this post is for his subscribers and participants.


Hi, this post is about building your authority – from someone new to someone of authority.

It is not easy. There are many hurdles.

For me, back in 2006, I was a normal guy. (I am still is…:p)

I ventured into the world of make-money-online niche while everybody else was saying it was too saturated and it was impossible.

No one knows who John Yeo was. No one had ever heard of this name.

I knew these were true BUT I persisted on.

I guess I am the little fly which kept on flying while being swapped a few times.

Now, 4 years later, I managed to slice myself a piece of the big pie with my own list of subscribers (over 12,000!) and my own line of blogging products.

This is how I did it…this is my secret…

I know it is not easy. This is not for the faint-hearted. BUT if you have a very clear direction and you are very FOCUSED, you will be able to build an authority figure within a very short time.

Below, I am going to share 5 secrets on how I managed to do it and brand myself as an expert blogger.

1. Mingle where your targeted customers are online

I realised my potential customers are marketers wannabes. Then, one of my friends, Shree told me about Warrior forum, a very popular internet marketing online forum. That was where I have successfully sold my first product and it was a BIG HIT!

2. Mingle with other authority figures in similar niche

I got some help then. Before I launched my blogging product, I was doing alot of networking in the forum with other forum members. I did it genuinely because I love making friends.

We exchanged many IM tips and soon we become great friends.

You can check out the over 25 email interviews I did plus the over 57 success stories I have compiled from the world’s most popular internet marketing forum.

I managed to garner enough support when I launched my blogging product.

The forum is an interesting place. If you mingle with influential members or you provide good quality tips, you will seen as a very knowledgeable person and someone who is willing to help other forum members.

3. Be concise in your branding

I was testing all areas of Internet marketing from affiliate marketing, product creation to blogging.

I felt I was all over the place. It seemed like I do not have a consistent brand. While I was having a headache deciding what to brand myself as, I heard from another big time marketer Ron Douglas that he heard many Warriors (Warrior forum members) called me the blogging guy.

So that was it!

I decided to brand myself as a blogging expert. This makes my product and services more streamline as all of them are related to blogging now.

4. Market your brand consistently

Deciding a brand for myself is only half the work done. I have to learn to consistently market myself as the pro-blogger, from the design of my personal blog (this one which you are reading) to my name cards. I was interviewed a few times before by local magazines and the things I need to say have to be consistent too.

It was not easy and now I am still doing my best.

5. Be humble

I am not sure if you are expecting some surefire new tactic but personally, I feel that the traditional value is still very important.

You can build all you want but if you are not humble….hmmm…whatever you have painstakingly built will go down the drain overnight…Guaranteed!

If you have any comment, do submit in the comment box below.

I look forward to hearing from you.



3 Responses to “5 Surefire Tips On Building Authority Online”

  1. JY says

    Hi John

    Totally agree with all 5 pointers! Awesome sharings, especially like the point on being humble =)

    Take care & all the best for your endeavours!

  2. Will says

    Hi, I think your great! I attended Perry’s HighTrustSpeaking. Anyway, I think you overlooked this part in your intruduction, the, “DID DISCUSSED”, I think the right way of writing it is “DID DISCUSS”. I just pointed this out so you can check for yourself. I maybe wrong too you know. But it would help if you verify too.

    “Recently, I met my good friend Perry Lai on MSN chat and we DID DISCUSSED about the topic on building authority. He will be doing a workshop soon and this post is for his subscribers and participants.”

    I hope I spoke my mind without being offensive in a way. More power to you…

  3. John Yeo says

    Will…thanks for the correction.

    I get to learn how to phrase it the right way. =)


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