3 Principles I Learnt From My Mastermind Team

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from kamoteus

On last Friday, I had met up with my mastermind team (as well as my business partners).

The intention of meeting up was to celebrate the success of my latest Blog membership site.

At the same time, based on the feedbacks given by our subscribers of BlogCashMentor, we are planning on how we can offer more value to them.

It was not easy to spend over 3 hours sitting in a Hong Kong cafeteria brainstorming on what we can do for the next 6 months or so.

So how can this post benefit you?

I want you to learn something from every of my post and here is how.

Let me share with you a secret. “Come closer…shhhh

There is a very important purpose of meeting with my mastermind group.

I am not sure about you, but in my life, I do realise that there are always some people ready to put us down and stop us from achieving our dreams.

They are always tell you that your dream is just a dream and so stop dreaming.

If this sounds familiar to you, we are on the same side.

Meeting my mastermind group is to reassure myself and my team mates that our dream is possible and we can achieve it.

If we can do it, so can you.

In my life, I am lucky enough to have a good friend in my mastermind group too and his name is Calvin Woon. This guy is amazing and within 3 short years, he had amazingly built up a profitable online software business.

3 years! 3 short years and he has done wonders…

(If you want to know about his latest software business launch, you should check out his latest IMBuz Riches)

* * *

Perhaps you may not have your own mastermind team now. But in running a successful business, the principles to be applied are the same and here are what you need to know and apply to your own life.

1. Planning ahead
Even if you do not have a team now, you still need to plan ahead. Plan ahead for the fact you are committed to making your business successful.

What do you want to achieve? Perhaps a $3,000 passive income to cover your salary.
And when do you want to achieve it? Perhaps in 3 months’ time.
And how do you want to go about doing it? Perhaps by blogging, providing a service, selling a product etc.

Planning is the key to laying your own path to your own success…so start planning now by writing your plans on a piece of paper and sticking it somewhere you can see it and be reminded of it everyday.

* * *

2. Find like minded people to share your dream with

I know it is not easy to find likeminded people. I have only found my 3rd business partner a year after I have started marketing my blogging guide.

We had wonderful experience working together and my 3rd partner, Andrew is well versed in programming and technical aspects of Internet marketing (and this is something which both me and my second partner lack)

And it is really important to spend time to discuss about common interests and in this case, it is the Internet marketing topic. We really enjoyed sharing what we know and how we can collaborate using our skills.

* * *

3. Keep a journal of your business-building progress
I have my personal journal which I kept. It has all the things which I did from the very first day I started planning my business and it was about 3 years ago.

My business does not spring up from nowhere overnight. I had been planning for it for 3 years, from learning the knowledge which I need to finding the right partners to work together with.

Learning include business building principles, marketing strategies, team building know-how, leadership qualities and so on.

One can create a blog easily just by reading all about blog creation. But to create a successful online business, one needs to learn and keep on learning. There is no end to learning.

I hope you are able to bring home at least one of the 3 principles here and apply it to your own life. It can definitely bring you to greater heights.

Let me know your thoughts…do send in your comment in the comment box below. =)


12 Responses to “3 Principles I Learnt From My Mastermind Team”

  1. Basil Isaac says

    Very helpful indeed, and it has driven me somehow to use it, though sometimes, and as you preach there is always this someone, this something that stop us from going ahead and prosper. Like any climber, it is a very hard trek upwards, so it seems, but nothing MUST stop us from climbing the staircase to success.

  2. John Yeo says

    Hi Basil,

    Yes, there is always something stopping us and we will still need to keep on protecting our dream =)

    Good luck!


  3. Paul de Silva says

    Excellent John.

    Having a drean and holding it in perspective and focus, I’ve dicovered, is one of the biggest challenges.

    Negativity can come from all directions, from anywhere in anyform- but usually from people, including family.

    That’s why I stick with positive and forward looking people. People who always brims with ideas and concepts in anything they see and do.

    These are the types of people that inspire and infectious to all they come into contact with.

    So much so I too aspire to be like them.

    Inspire. Influence. Build a better world.

  4. John Yeo says

    @Paul, thanks for your comment…likeminded people are important to our lives…bringing us together to a higher level…and together we can succeed! =)


  5. hidman says

    Hi John, I especially enjoyed point no 3, the part about keeping a journal on one’s progress online. Many people do not bother much about this, hence they always end up starting from zero all over again, instead of GROWING their business. Great points..Thanks! 🙂

  6. John Yeo says

    @Hidman, good to hear from you… =) keeping a journal is tedious but it can help you track what you have been doing and what works and what don’t 🙂


  7. Amare Tesfaye says

    Thanks John, the three points you mentioned are extremely useful and practical. If we think, act and are positive in whatever we do, life can be fulfilling.
    Keep up the good work!

  8. charles chan says

    i would say it’s a wonderful to have one to achieve one’s dream come true.

  9. Alessandro Zamboni says

    Thanks John.
    I like your tips to build a successful business.

    I continue to have many difficults in finding “like-minded people” but I will continue my efforts to find them.

    As a journal I like to keep expenses and income written on a diary, to check my results.

    It’s difficult to be famous and respected on Internet Marketing, but I think that time and efforts will help me to grow my business and focus on better ones.

    Thanks again and Goodbye.
    Alessandro Zamboni

  10. Andre says

    Hi John

    Your emails and are very inspirational and very helpful, but I don`t want to be ungrateful when I say they currently do not help me as I have now idea whet I`m doing.

    I recently started with online marketing. can you give some advice on how to start from scratch ? I want to do affiliate marketing but don`t know how to promote the links, how do I get it on my site?

    i would really like to start making even a few dollars just to be able to buy the resources I need,i.e auto responder, hosting, etc and some much needed cash.

    Thank you
    André Diedericks
    Hopeless Newbie

  11. Glennis Pearce says

    Hi John, Your sincerity comes through in your words and together with the three points you make, it is all about getting our head space right and doing the groundwork for the long term. It doesn’t make us feel so alone in our persuit of IM success in whatever form when we read that others go through similar things.

    Thanks for reinforcing the basics that we all need to do.
    Glennis Pearce

  12. John Yeo says

    @Amara – thanks for your compliment…

    @Charles – yes, you feel on cloud 9 when you achieve your dreams

    @Alessandro – you are already moving towards your dream and have seen part of it…keep on going and keep up the good work!

    @Andre – you can sign up for contests like https://www.johnyeo.name/blogging/free-giveaway-contest-5-free-newbieworkbook/ to get book on resources

    @Glennis – yes, most battle takes place in our mind and it is in the mind where great battles are won!

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