How To Create a Report?
4 Commentsfrom squidpickles
I have some questions on how to create a report which can be offer as a freebie for people to opt in.
I should tell you exactly what you need in a report.
- A cover
- An about me page
- A table of content
- Content (which is the body)
- A final thought
- An upsell of your product or service
A cover page can consist of the title of the report.
An about me page can consist of a short description of who you are, how you started in your niche and any credential will be helpful. Some readers will be interested in getting in touch with you. Leave a contact email there too.
A table of content will tell the reader where to find what he wants.
Content is important. You need to make your content scanneable. Have headlines, subheadings and page number for easy readability.
A final thought to round up the content.
An upsell in the promotional page. Tell the readers what other product or service he can get from you and bring them to a download page.
A report can be around 5 to 30 pages. So that is all for now.
Happy writing!
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