Email Interview #25: Fabian Tan

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Fabian Tan

* Start of Interview *

1. Please introduce your name, who you are, which country are you staying in and your area of IM expertise

My name is Fabian and I’m from Singapore…I’m known pretty much as a prolific article marketer and list builder in various niches. My areas of expertise are article marketing, list building and affiliate marketing.

2. Share with us your first success in Internet Marketing and how did you do that

My first success came pretty early in my Internet marketing career. The first step is always the first sale. Once you can get that first sale, your belief becomes stronger and you start taking more positive actions to reach your goals.

I still remember my first sale – it was a $20 Clickbank affiliate sale. I used Google Adwords to get that sale and I was probably about $15 in profit, so I was pretty happy with that at that time. In the next few days, I started having $100+ days and I started to belief that there was really lots of money to be made online. So that sort of gave me that confidence to go on and work at things.

3. Share with us one obstacle which you have overcome and you have learnt alot from it

The biggest obstacle personally for me was cash flow. I like to use a mix of paid and free traffic generation methods and the paid methods are all about how much money you can invest to increase your profits. If you put in $1 in a machine and it produces $2 every time, how many dollars would you put in? That’s a question often posed in Internet marketing courses and it resonates well with me.

So the thing I have learnt is to maximize your current resources and reinvest a portion of the profits into the business. If you maximize your resources, you have more cash to distribute back into marketing which increases your profits again. The secret to increasing profits is to improve the 4 major parts of business (number of leads, conversion rates, average profit per transaction, repeat purchases) by just 5% to 10% constantly.

4. Share with us one mindset tip you would like to share with others, especially those who find IM hard

The biggest thing is to find out your ‘Why’. Once your ‘why’ is very strong, you’re on the straight line to success. If you find out the reason why you’re going into Internet business, and it is a very strong reason, you will then take lots of positive actions (studying marketing, testing, creating products etc) that will take you to your goal.

For example, a reason might to be quit your day job. Or working just a few hours a day so you might be able to have more family time. I personally find that the successful marketers are those who had a very strong desire to strike out on their own, quit their day jobs and build a real business.

5. Share with us one product/ service of yours which you feel is very unique

I have a product called Article Insider Profits at which shares my formula for article marketing success. It is not the usual article marketing product that talks about Bum Marketing. Instead, I talk about building a real business of your own on the back of article marketing.

Bum Marketing is more for promoting affiliate products, and I take that concept and turn article marketing into a part of a bigger whole, which produces greater long-term profits and brand name recognition.

So I feel that’s unique.

6. One project you are working on right now and you would like my readers to know

I’m currently working on a few projects. One is the program in which I personally build a list, risk-free. There isn’t a better ‘do nothing and build a list’ deal out there.

7. One last tip you want to share with my readers

Treat Internet marketing well and it will treat you well 🙂 But seriously, the key is to really want it and desire it. Once you have that belief, desire and enthusiasm for Internet marketing success, you will find that you will be more focused, creative and action-driven.

* End of Interview *


One Response to “Email Interview #25: Fabian Tan”

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