Email Interview #18: Alvin Huang

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Alvin Huang

* Start of Interview *

1. Please introduce your name, who you are, which country are you staying in and your area of IM expertise

My name is Alvin and I’m from Singapore. I run a full time search engine optimization consultancy called Savant Consultants. Our company services various multi-national companies and small to medium enterprises in my country.

In addition to that, my other company Mentis Marketing produces and markets our own self improvement products too. And more recently we have ventured into selling internet marketing products.

2. Share with us your first success in Internet Marketing and how did you do that

I initially first started making money through eBay in 2004 after purchasing Jim Cockrum’s “Silent Sales Machine”. I was still studying in university then and was able to generate $2000-3000 a month selling both digital and physical products on eBay.

For the digital products, I would select hot selling resell rights products and sell them for a few dollars on ebay. Using unique listing strategies on eBay, I was able to sell over a few thousand digital products on ebay through a short period of time. But of course now you cannot sell digital products on eBay with their new rulings. But there are still ways around this. =)

But I would say that my real success came from my venture into the self improvement market. One of my first few websites is , which retails subliminal mp3s and subliminal cds. The website started off earning only a few hundred dollars a month. But with the use of eBay, I was able to quickly generate a few thousand dollars a month.

What I did was to sell the subliminal products slightly cheaper on eBay. And then funnel each client back into the opt-in list for and then continue marketing to them. Using this strategy, my website was able to gross a few thousand dollars within 2 months.

To date, has over 10,000 clients worldwide and we constantly get new clients everyday.

Let me share a particular strategy that we have implemented that has worked very well for us.

I’m sure everyone is familiar that building a list is extremely important. As it gives you instant access to targeted prospects and clients. What we do is to usually offer a free report, ecourse or bait of some sorts to get the prospect to give us their name and email.

But we took it a step further by offering a free subliminal cd. You can view the opt-in page at

We charge a low shipping fee of $2.99 to send them to cd and get them opted into our list. We do an One Time Offer (OTO) after that to maximize profits too. This strategy benefits me in various ways.

1. I create a higher perceived value for the opt-in bait compared to my competitors in the subliminal market. Where they give free reports or mp3s, my physical cd gives a higher perceived value.

2. I get to charge a small fee of $2.99 for shipping to separate the freebie seekers and those who are willing to commit. While $2.99 is a small sum, at least I know that this prospect has the potential to buy more products. Without saying my list generates very good returns whenever I make a promotion.

3. I still get to maximize profits by doing an OTO. Most marketers tend to forget adding an OTO to their opt-in process. Which is really leaving money on the table.

I must warn you though, our opt-in page is a bit old as we haven’t revamped it in ages. Maybe I’ll get down to doing that in awhile. ; ) But nonetheless it still works like a charm.

So long before the days of Russell Brunson or other Gurus were using the strategy of offering free cds with paid shipping. We’ve already been using it, but just using it in other niches. Your readers might want to consider using this strategy in dominating the competition in their niches.

3. Share with us one obstacle which you have overcome and you have learnt alot from it

Like every other internet marketer, I am constantly distracted with new opportunities. And it’s a matter of setting your priorities right and working on projects that give the highest return first. Especially when there are only so many hours in a day that you can work.

I’ve learnt to overcome this obstacle by firstly outsourcing work whenever I can. And this led to me hiring both full-time and part-time staff to help with the work.

What you can do is to use a portion your profits generated or some of your own money to hire a virtual assistant or part-time staff. Get them to work on areas that you are weaker in. This frees up your time to work on more productive and profitable tasks. Here are some areas that you should always consider outsourcing

– Graphic Design

– Article Writing and Submission

– Backlinks Building (social bookmarking/ web 2.0 setups)

– Website/Blog setup

Oh course at the start, you’ll start off outsourcing small bits here and there. But as your business grows. You’ll find it so much worthwhile to outsource this work.

Secondly, I use this methodology and system whenever I access new projects to take on. And based on the assessment, I’ll then decide which projects are good to go, and which should take a seat on the bench for the moment. Here are some questions I’ll ask myself regarding the project, which I rate from 1-5 (1 being real bad and 5 being real good).

1. How long would it take to get this project up and running?
2. How profitable is this project in the short-term?
3. How profitable is this project in the long-run?
4. Is this project synergistic with the existing projects I have?

Setup an assessment sheet and rate these type of questions whenever you want to take on a new project. Separate the duds from the winners and file them up. This way you would be able cut down the number of projects that you might be multi-tasking on.

4. Share with us one mindset tip you would like to share with others, especially those who find IM hard

Anything is possible. As long as you can dream, plan and take action.

Dream your big dreams, what you want to accomplish in life. Think of the material comforts that you wish to attain for yourself and your family.

Plan and set your goal. Be it to generate $1000 constantly in a month or $5000. Then start planning and working backwards to see what you need to generate this kind of money.

Lastly, take goddamm action. Too many internet marketers fail because they just don’t take action or take too little action.

Following this mindset, there just ain’t any way you cannot succeed.

5. Share with us one product/ service of yours which you feel is very unique

I would definite recommend my unique review affiliate marketing system, “Authority Blueprint X”, created by me and my partner, Joel Chue.

In our opinion, it’s one of the easiest and fastest way to make money online without a product. And with our experience in search engine optimization, we also developed a customized wordpress theme that’s included in the package to get your review websites ranked real fast on the search engines.

In a nutshell, we would say it’s a step-by-step blueprint for making money online.

6. One project you are working on right now and you would like my readers to know

I’m currently working on several projects both in the IM and self improvement niches. Because I have the support of full-time staff in my company, we are able to launch new products almost every month.

Joel and I just recently launched a new IM product called “Authority Resell Mastery”. Where we showcase how we take old resell rights products and turn them into money monsters.

What we realized is that a lot of internet marketers have a lot of resell rights products collecting digital dust on their hard drives. And they would probably not see the light of day. But these are valuable resources that anyone can take to make a nice income from.

You can view the product at

Oh and it doesn’t cost an arm or leg. It’s sort of a way for us to give back to the internet marketing community.

7. One last tip you want to share with my readers

Take action!

When I first started out, I was too absorbed with reading and buying the “latest new product”. Thinking that with additional knowledge, I would succeed faster. I’m sure many of your readers would be able to relate to this.

Well in my opinion. Knowledge is not power.

Only “Applied knowledge is power”.

Making money online is actually rather simple. Learn from one or 2 proven experts and stick to their system. Take action and implement their strategies. Give it a while for results to show. Sometimes results can take 1-2 months to show but don’t give up.

Soon you’ll see yourself making a few hundred dollars a month, then it’d snowball into a few thousand…and pretty soon you’ll see yourself making a 6 figure income easily.

But you have to take action for all this to happen.

Only when you started making money, then spend a bit of your time to invest in your education in purchasing the latest new product. What I do on a daily basis is to read for 1 hour a day new internet marketing material. This allows me to keep up to date with the latest strategies, but more importantly it also ensures that I have time to take action on the activities that actually yield money.

So remember, take action today!

Alvin Huang
Principal Consultant

* End of Interview *


One Response to “Email Interview #18: Alvin Huang”

  1. FREE Giveway Contest - 3 Copies Of Authority Blueprint X Gift | John Yeo's Work AT Home Blog - says

    […] thank you for being my loyal reader, today my friend, Alvin Huang is going to giveaway 3 copies of Authority Blueprint X. (You can view the sales page if you want to […]

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