Ranked #1 in Joint Venture Giveaway By Reed Floren & Alan Magliocca

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As I have always shared with my coaching students, you have to follow these very important 3 factors to succeed online (or offline).

I am very happy that by following these 3 very important factors, my online business has soared to another level.

In a recent Joint Venture Giveaway By Reed Floren & Alan Magliocca, my team (under “John Yeo“) is ranked as Number 1 and we were really excited about it!

Congrats to the other winners such as #2 Scott Drake and #3 Socrates Socratous. =)

“Clap clap clap!

There are a total number of 169 Joint venture partners.

jv giveaway 08june09

List building has always been a very simple business strategy and it is a guarantee source of traffic for any new product launch or promotion as an affiliate or joint venture partner.

And this is how you can easily do it right now!

Many people find that list building is really hard to start.

In fact, I started my list building less than a year ago and I have already built my list to about a size of 8000 to 9000 within this short period of time.

In the past, I have always thought that it takes years to build such a massive list.

It is not until someone who is a much more experienced shown me the way!

It is in fact quite easy as what you need is a mentor to guide you.

It would be good to have a mentor who is a experienced JV Broker (or Joint Venture Broker).

I am grateful that my mentor is Reed Floren who has always been guiding me in my list building.

In fact, to succeed in any business, be it online or offline, you need 3 very important factors

1. a proven business model
2. a mastermind group
3. a positive mindset

* * *

So how can you go about building your own list (which is a proven business model)?

What you can do right now is to develop a mindset to see the end in your mind.

I know many marketers will tell you that you should have a squeeze page, a freebie (or a bait) or a very reliable and trusted autoresponder to manage your massive list…

BUT for me, I feel you need to have a positive mindset of the winner to start building a profitable business.

* * *

The next step is to ask yourself how big do you want your list size to be by a certain date?

Is it 100, 1000 or 10,000?

To get a list of 100, it will be easier. But for a list size of 10,000, you need a totally different strategy.

So Reed Floren’s the JV Boot camp does teach you how to build reach that.

* * *

The 3rd secret to being successful is you have to have your own Mastermind group.

A mastermind group is made up of a group of like-minded people who is determined to do whatever it takes to succeed.

These people are so focused on getting what they want in life that they help one another to reach their common goal.

Remember you will have to help your Mastermind group too if you need their help.

It is reciprocity and synergy-building!

1 plus 1 is always more than 3 or 4 or 5 (Not 2!)

And a Mastermind group can help you achieve that!

Share your thought with me. I love to hear from you.


8 Responses to “Ranked #1 in Joint Venture Giveaway By Reed Floren & Alan Magliocca”

  1. Internet Marketing Email » Blog Archive » Ranked #1 in Joint Venture Giveaway By Reed Floren & Alan ... says

    […] John Yeo added an interesting post on Ranked #1 in Joint Venture Giveaway By Reed Floren & Alan …Here’s a small excerptIn a recent Joint Venture Giveaway By Reed Floren & Alan Magliocca, my team (under John Yeo) is ranked as Number 1 and we were really excited about. […]

  2. Alessandro Zamboni says

    Thanks John for this great post.

    I joined many JV Giveaway before, but no one from Reed Floren, and propbly for that reason I got only a few subscribers (only a maximum of 60).
    I was essentially scared by the number of Reed FLoren’s JV Giveaway subscribers, that being always hundreds : I simply thought it was impossible to let download my products in a list of so many.

    Next time I will join and I will insert my products, without any fear.

    Talking about Kingdom PLR, I can only say it have a great introduction video, one of the best I ever seen.
    I joined and I will wait June 12th !

    Coming back to Reed Floren Mastermind Group, I think is really too expensive, also for two reasons : a list of 10000 members can be made with many efforts and good products offered for free.
    Second, if one have 9900$ to spend to get a list, have no list problems, being so rich.

    Anyway I really appreciated this post and your successfull results in the last Reed Floren’s JV Giveaway.

    Thanks again and see you soon !

    Alessandro Zamboni

  3. lorraine douse says

    tell me all bout i am inteested but i must let youknow i do not have the cash to buy anything

  4. Abhi says

    That was a real helpful piece of advice John!

    “A mastermind group is made up of a group of like-minded people who is determined to do whatever it takes to succeed.

    These people are so focused on getting what they want in life that they help one another to reach their common goal.”

    That couldn’t have been a more powerful paragraph

    Although i have never been a part of a mastermind group, i know the importance of being involved in one. And you have explained the importance really well. A certain group dynamics comes into play, and that manifolds our individual efforts several times!

    Thanks again John for sharing this. Looking forward to reading other helpful posts like this one!

  5. Ari says

    John, I’d rather rank #1 at Google than at any Giveaway event. How much do you earn by being #1 in a Giveaway?

    BTW, to me the best Giveaway ever was Jason James’ Greedy Giveaway last year: in ten days I’ve added over 300 subscribers to my list. It never happened again on any other event.

    As regards Reed Floren’s JV Boot Camp and Mastermind group, they are so expensive the majority of people can’t afford them. And I’m sure anybody with the right mindset and some effort can become a successful marketer without spending that kind of money every month.

  6. World Sexy Girls says

    Yeah is a great info..em i already join internet business almost one year ,i think now is the rite time for me to start list building ..

  7. Catherine says

    Hi John, Great post. I have seen the video of the Mastermind group and really very interested to join…

    I really want to invest in myself and find myself a very reliable mentor to guide me.

    Thanks again for this wonderful post. Now Im clearer of where I am heading and that is to join my very own Mastermind group.

    Love ya’ post, John

  8. Terry@ Cheap Scrubs says

    Hi John,

    What do you do exactly with this list. I’m not asking about your trade secret or anything. I would just like to have more idea how beneficial list building would be to someone working on an online store.

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