He Gets Free Flippa Listings for a Year!
2 CommentsFlippa has given a BIG BONUS Prize for their 100,000th listing.
Congratulations to one of my students plus a really good friend from Italy!
Alessandro has won for him free Flippa listings for a year…which means he could have saved himself alot fo money for listing fees…and make lots more money!!! “wohoho!
Congratulations once again!
2 Responses to “He Gets Free Flippa Listings for a Year!”
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Wow John !
Yesterday I tried to participate as the other hundreds of Flippa users… and after a few seconds I saw that my auction was the number 100’000 !
For me is like to winning FIFA World Cup !
Firstly I said : “No, it cannot be true”.
But when I went to Flippa blog to watch, people was just discussing about me 🙂
I’m very happy in the day after, I will try to do a site for each week but I will need to use a lot of outsourcing.
At least for articles.
Thanks John for making a post about my Flippa winning !
See you soon,
Congrats my friend!