Email Interview #31: Kloudiia Tay IIng
Leave a CommentHi, in today’s interview with offline niche experts, I have the pleasure to interview one of the pioneers in our local dating industry. Her name is Kloudiia Tay IIng and she has been using the power of internet to improve her brand.
* Start of Interview *
1. Please share with my readers who you are and what nature of business you are running.
I’m a Relationship Coach, Speaker and Author of “The 69 Love Notes – Secrets to a Loving and Lasting Relationship” and an ebook “5 Secrets to Up Your Attraction Quotient”. As a coach, I assist my clients, i.e coachees. to crystalise their goals, design strategies and break any dis-empowering patterns and habits to enable them to know how to develop resources to create and sustain positive changes to their lives, in particular, their love lives.
As a writer, I contribute articles to SDN (Social Development Network), and on my personal blog and dishes out one-time free email advice on my love coaching blog
2. What motivates you to create your business?
After meeting so many singles when I was running my dating agency, I realised that many of them were not just missing out the opportunities to meet people. Rather, they lack certain skills, mindset and knowledge to attract someone and to be successful in dating and courtship. At the same time, the increasing rate of divorce in Singapore tells me that with such busy and hectic lifestyles that most of us have, many couples may not know that they have neglected their partner and taken them and their marriage for granted. I hope that they would start paying attention to what’s really important to them. Simply, I just want to help people find and develop the love and beauty in their relationships, and hence their lives.
3. Were there any challenge you face along the way? Please share one which almost stop you from pursuing your dream.
Singaporeans aren’t that receptive to relationship coaching yet, especially couples. To them, they feel that unless their marriage is already on the rocks and on the verge of falling over the cliff, they won’t think of seeking professional assistance. I’m sad to know this because usually by the time they’re willing to come before a coach or counsellor, it’s more to give themselves one reason to justify the decision they’re already made.
4. How did you cope then? What motivates you to push on?
Well, the desire to see people in happy, loving and lasting relationships just kept me on!
5. If there is this one tip you can share with anyone who wants to start a business, what is it?
Do something you’re passionate about. It is what will buffer you and lift you up when your business is down, and what will make you even lighter and soar further when it’s up.
6. How do you juggle your time between running your business and spending it with your family.
For me, my family is always my priority. So I divide my week into some days for coaching, some for writing articles and blogging, and the rest for my family. Of course, some time is left for myself, and God.
7. Any other final thing you would love to share in this interview.
When we focus and look for it, there’ll always be some beauty to be found in ourselves, relationships and our lives. Start on your journey now…
Thanks for the interview.
* End of Interview *
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