[Blog Flipping Live Case Study] Day 3

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Day 3:
The number of views are increasing and so are the number of bids.

Click here for Listing url.

Here are the changes:
Number of views: 44 to 71
Bid: $1 to $60
Number of Bids: 1 to 3

Now, what Aljiro needs to do is to be alert and available when a new bid is being placed. The owner will need to manually approve the bid.

Another 2 more days to go and let’s hope that he can sell it off at the Buy It Now Price of US$297.

Before we go, let’s check out the Status of auction:
3 bids
7 watchers

A short story about Aljiro:
He shared with me why he must succeed in this blog flipping journey. His sister is suffering from Psoriasis , a type of skin disease and he needs money for her treatment. I feel it is a good enough reason for me to teach him because he is very determined to succeed. In fact, there is no way for him to give up because he is doing for his sister, not for himself.

I am sure Aljiro is going to succeed. Just look at this case study and see how much he has achieved within 3 days.

Anyone can be as successful as Aljiro. So can you!

Keep a lookout for our next post on Day 4. And meanwhile I pray that his sister will recover soon. =)

Related post: Site Flipping One-on-One Coaching (Only 3 Slots!)


2 Responses to “[Blog Flipping Live Case Study] Day 3”

  1. [Blog Flipping Live Case Study] Day 0, 1 & 2 | John Yeo’s Blogging for Profits Work At Home Blog says

    […] That’s all for today’s update. Keep a lookout for our next post on Day 3. […]

  2. John Yeo says

    I have an update from Aljiro. There is a potential buyer who is willing to pay for the blog – US$297! wow…congrats!

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[Blog Flipping Live Case Study] Day 0, 1 & 2

Today, I want to share with you a blog flipping case study. What is blog flipping? Blog flipping is simply...
