How Bloggers Can Make 4 Figures Per Month!

Hi, I know that for the fact that you are reading this post, you are possibly looking for some ways to bring in more income so that you can either work less in your office or quit your job totally.

Working from home is possible and I am sure you can achieve your dream eventually.

And once you know of the shortest short-cut, you will be able to reach where you want to be within the shortest time.

Right now I am going to show you 5 simple steps that you can follow easily and start making 4 figures each month. (and you can quit your job!)

If you have a blog, you can easily leverage on your blog to achieve more success.

If you do not have any blog, it is ok too. You can always have a blog later on once you have done this step.

I assure you that this method will require the least time, least effort and least resources from you.

You will need to get the basic stuff such as a paid hosting and a domain from

Are you ready? “LET’S GO!!!
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5 Ways You Can Make Money By Blogging

from amagill


It is weekend again. I have been hearing alot of excuses from some subscribers saying that they have no time, no money…blah blah blah.

In fact, during these two weeks, it had been really tough for me. I think I am almost on the verge of entering depression, having to learn to take care of my newborn plus having to run a team plus 5 staff. All to be done within 2 months!

The excuses which I had been hearing makes me wonder what is stopping people from being successful online.

So I asked myself, what if I were to restart my blogging and internet marketing journey without any list, without any knowledge of generating traffic and marketing and without any team to help me.

In the midst of such tough times for myself, I decided to give myself a challenge. “You must be wondering if I am crazy.

Yes, I am! Beating challenges which I set for myself makes me feel empowered somehow! And yes! Now I feel better, after selling 5 blogs for more than US$250 each in 2 weeks!

One day, I decided to pick up blog flipping – creating a totally new blog from scratch and sell it for more than US$250.

This method does not require you to have a list or any traffic generation or marketing knowledge. And the best thing is you can do it on your own.

In this blog post, I am presenting to you 5 simple ways to make money from blogs, including blog flipping.

Yesterday, I got a few emails from my subscribers asking about the different ways and how different they are. I think it can be really confusing for new marketers and the technical aspect of generating traffic can be overwhelming too.

So let me address these issues now so you can learn something, apply it and start your journey of making money online…Start today!

Let’s Go!

5 different blogging for profit methods:

1. Blog selling/ flipping
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Article Submitter Tool: Submit 210,000 Posts Per Month!

Hello Everyone,

If you want more traffic to your site or blog, you must not miss this one time offer.

Howie Schwartz, one of the greatest affiliate marketers in our time is giving this cool offer right now.

His team has just released a cool Article Submitter Tool which submit up to
210,000 posts per month to over 350+ Article Directories

The list of article directories include:

It’s really simple…

MORE traffic…

MORE backlinks

MORE customers…


And all work is done for you!

=> Click here for your Article Submitter Tool

P.S: This Software is is only for serious bloggers.

=> Click here for your Article Submitter Tool

No Web Site…No Product…No Traffic…$1,384 Per Day (Video Inside)


My buddy Jay Deiboldt started out with
no web site…no product…no list…no
JV traffic…no experience
…and no up front costs…

…and was able to quit his full time job,
and generate up to $1,384 per day all
by “Slapping Google” through his
breakthrough method that let’s him
“snatch up” the top rankings in hours
– not days, not months.
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Ranked #4 in JV Contest – Alvin Huang and Joel Chue

Alvin Huang and Joel Chue Contest Result

Thanks to Alvin Huang and Joel Chue, I was able to participate in their JV Contest for Presell Secrets X. My partner in this contest is Abhishek and thanks for this partnership. We are ranked #4 in this contest.

There were a total of over 80 JV Partners.

If you want to be a super affiliate or an joint venture who can help other product owners to push for sales, you need these following 3 things:
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Email Interview #28: Dennis Sim

Dennis Sim

* Start of Interview *

1. Please introduce your name, who you are, which country are you staying in and your area of IM expertise

Hey everyone there! My name is Dennis Sim, and I’m proud to be from the sunny side of the world in Penang, Malaysia. I’m a college student cum Internet marketer.

Well, my area of IM expertise would be affiliate marketing. I find affiliate marketing is the easiest way to make money online and require the least capital ($$) to kick-start my online business. I’ve also created a system for myself to capture targeted list and of course, to make unstoppable affiliate income as well. (I hate the PPC way :p)

2. Share with us your first success in Internet Marketing and how did you do that
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Ranked #1 in JV Contest – Zech Smith & Isaac Parrish

Zech Smith & Isaac Parrish Contest Result

Thanks to Zech Smith & Isaac Parrish, I was able to participate in their JV Contest.

There were a total of 257 JV Partners & Contributors and our team was ranked Number 1.

This year has been pretty smooth for our team, especially when it comes to contest and we are always ranked among the top 10, if not top 3.

Thanks for team mate Benrick who has always been so committed to our online business development.

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