Giveaway Contest: 3 FREE First Month Blog Membership
39 Commentsfrom carpeicthus
Hi all,
Thank you so much for participating in this contest.
The comments are excellent. I love them! =)
It has been tough choosing the 3 winners because the comments are very well written.
So… I have decided to choose 3 more…a total of 6 prizes!
The winners for this contest (with their blog topics) are:
1. Angela Bell – cooking recipes
2. Lloyd Noland – ocean sports activities
3. Joseph – integrated ascension
4. Barbara J Gathany – foreclosure
5. Sally Holmes – Child’s education through the fun way
6. Barbara Fischer – Natural/Alternative HealthI will be sending you an email with a link to sign up for your FREE first month blog membership.
Congrats again!
Do leave a comment below on how you feel as one of the winners!
How have you been?
I have received some very positive feedbacks from some of you saying it is very important to model other people’s success. So I thank you for your emails. =)
To thank you, I am going to create another week of excitement just for you.
And it is time for another free giveaway. =)
I have been working really hard to create a Blog membership site and I am offering 3 FREE First Month Blog Membership.
Here are the details you need!
This Blog Membership Site offers:
a step by step lessons covering
– blog set up,
– niche finding,
– driving traffic,
– content building,
– making money using blogs,
– affiliate marketing,
– a monthly task sheet to be completed by you and to help you achieve your own target and many more…
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It comes with 5 Bonuses:
– RSS Feed Aggregator to auto-post in your blogs
– Social bookmarker to help bookmark your blog posts and build more backlinks
– Poster Pro to help you schedule your blog posts into your blog
– A submission service to help you submit articles and build more traffic to your blog
– *Mystery Bonus!
How different this is from BloggersPaycheck is that it comes with step-by-step tutorial videos for the lessons so that you can follow the videos to get things done faster.
Retail price: US$37 per month
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So the question for this week’s FREE Giveaway is:
“If you could only choose the one blog topic you love to blog about most, what topic is it and why do you love to blog about that one the most?”
I will pick the 3 winners and will contact the winners through your email on how you get your login id and password to access your Prize. =)
Contest ends on 6th July 2009.
Send in your submission now and you can submit them in the comment box below.
39 Responses to “Giveaway Contest: 3 FREE First Month Blog Membership”
Feel free to leave a comment...
and oh, if you want a pic to show with your comment, go get a gravatar!
Hi John, your idea is outstanding!
If I really need to choose a blog topic, I will choose for sure this : Travelling to Asia.
Just because my grandfather was able to speak mandarin chinese, japanese and some other languages, but him never seen any of these countries in his life.
Thanks again and Goodbye
by Alessandro Zamboni
The reason I blog about cooking and different recipe’s is because when I’m in the kitchen, I just forget about everything that is bothering me. Just like when I go fishing or when I’m working in my garden or working on my flowers. It just makes me feel so good, when I can sit back and watch the expressions on people’s faces. The look on their faces is like this dish their eating, has just really touched the inner part of their soul. That’s what makes me feel good and one day, I know that I will be blessed to open up my own resturant. That is my goal to be able to open up a small place where it will be a very friendly enviroment, and the people come to the establishment because they feel right at home. And this is why I choose to blog about cooking because, with the economy in the state it is in you need to be able to get the most for your money. And some people just do not know who to do that.
Hi John,
What a great idea.
I’ve always loved the ocean, from swimming,surfing, free diving to canoe paddling.
What I would blog about would be snorkeling with my grandson, who is six now. I bought him his very own snorkeling gear when he was only four. Finding a mask and fins that would fit were a big challenge. His mouth was to small for the very smallest snorkel so he did’nt use one. He still doesn’t.
When we first started he couldn’t swim but trusted me enough to stay by my side and hang on if he needed to.
The very first green sea turtle he saw nearly made him jump out of the water. I couldn’t really blame him, some of the turtles are well over a hundred pounds. He at the time was about forty pounds. He’s seen more turtles, eels, manta rays,dolphins and every sort of fish around the coastline then most adults. He’s now six and impossible to keep him out of the water. He now knows that green sea turtles only eat seaweed and he swims like the fish he always try to catch.
Nice idea John.
If I were to choose a blog topic to blog, I would choose for sure those tens shits of “scams letters” I received everyday from different people. So far I already collected more than 3,000 scams letters which I saved them in a separate folder. They are great stuff for ideas to write!
By the way, your KeywordLuv is not responding!!!Why?
one reson i like to really start blogging about real true stories about ghosts is because i have had pretty scary encounters with ghosts ever since i was five years old and i do have a lot of sories that would chill you to the bones and it is actully all true. some are just friendly but you can get all the details at my bloglog
Hi John,
Many thanks for your invaluable support at all times.
If i have to choose a blog topic,i’ll like it to be on business support.My knowledge about business development,strategic thinking and tactics will readily be useful in this regard.I know how to encourage an organisation to adopt a leadership role in the market by either creating a superior product or through aggressive pricing,among other factors.
I believe organisations,individuals,entrepreneurs are looking daily for solutions to challenges that confront them in the competitive world of business.Business solutions ranges from how to start a business to how to finance it,feasibility studies,how to sustain it,advertising and marketing amog other stuffs.
Thank you.
Hi John, thanks for the great post, and the topic i would like to blog about most is regarding my favourie soccer club, Manchester United. i started following them from very young and blogging about them also allows me to add video higlights to go with my text blog, which brings more life to my website.
If i had to blog about one thing only which in truth is pretty much all i do anyway,i would blog about the Proccess of “Integrated Ascension” and how to achieve it.This is my single all consuming passion that fills my life my Mind my Heart My soul and My Spirit.It in truth encompasses all other Worldly and other Wordly Activities that one might ever undertake and there for is the supreme Blog topic in my humble opinion!
The Proccess of “Integrated Ascension” includes how to Realize God and Self in this Life time,How to take ones Ascension Initiation among others,how to Demonstrate and embody the Christ/Buddha/Krishna Principal and Consciousness in our daily lives and in all interactions,how to Transcend the Negative/seperative/selfish/illusionary/lower-self/Negative Ego Consciosuness thought system and how to live in 100% Personal Power,100%Unconditional Love,100% Wisdom and Discernment,Raise your Light Love Power Wisdom Knowledge Quotients in a steady and constant manner to name just a few!
I will not go into detail of this most amazing and wonderful proccess for you will have to personally follow my Blog posts for that!Is that not a good marketing Technique?I will also have to keep this brief as i am sure you have many other wonderful entries to go through.I just wanted to give you and your subsribers a very brief taste of what is to come with the Understanding of the Basic Principals and foundations of all Spiritual,Earthly and Psychological Consciosuness work that one might do!Thank you for taking the time to read my post and i look forward to sharing more on “Integrated Ascension” with you all real soon!
Thanks for the submission….Keep them coming.
You have the chance to win too!
I would blog about achieving your dreams as a single parent. I have 5 children of my own that I’ve raised. It hasn’t been easy but it’s been worth it. There are so many resources available to help. When I was raising my kids, I didn’t have access to a computer so I relied mostly on what was available in my community. I learned alot and I would love to be able to pass on some of my know how to others.
Writing about the Hotel/Casino business is without a doubt my passion.For over 35 years and having started at the bottom of both of these fascinating industries you never run out of things to say.Four years were spent in the Caribbean managing and directing some of the finest Resort properties on Islands like Trinidad and Tobago,Granada and the lovely Island of Barbados.Anyone wishing to learn or talk about the in’s and out’s of the business well warms my blood… Joe
I love your products and all the information and have provided and have used them well.
What I will blog about is how to help people who are in danger of losing their homes through foreclosure. As you know, this is becoming a major, major problem for lots of honest, hard-working folks who have lost their incomes through no fault of their own. They are suffering and their families are traumatized.
I want to provide them with different types of solutions and sources of information as to where they can go for help. This help will range from where to get financial solutions to where to go for food to feed their families.
I believe strongly in this as I have seen the terrible ordeals that families are going through. I hope that you will help me in my efforts to get this started.
Thanks very much,
Hi John – it’s only been 2 days but thanks for your help so far.
If I could choose just one topic it would be supporting your child’s education with fun and purpose.
I have been home schooling my daughter for 18 months now. I am no expert in the conventional sense, but we are both so passionate about this and we have been able to design (I say we, because the process is very child led) some projects and activities that cross the curriculum and facilitate learning in an enjoyable and relevant way. My daughter’s dyslexia is barely apparent now and her confidence has soared.
I would like to share tips and ideas with other parents (whether or not their children are home schooled) and to compile an ongoing story of our journey.
I blog about food and recipes because I am a WAHM that has a full schedule every day, and I know there are other moms out there with the same problem… how to manage it all and still get dinner on the table.
Hello! One topic I would enjoy blogging about is baking. I love to bake and it’s easier than a lot of people think. It can also be a lot of fun. When I’m baking is the only time I’m really relaxed. I’d love to share with others!
Hi John
I would like to have people think about the ‘economics’ of ecology!
What the heck?
We live in exciting times. All solutions reside in people being able to communicate backwards & forwards.
It is not possible to easily link the above two sentences neatly in another cute short description.
It is possible to say that ecology is about the interaction of all living things with each other and the environment they live in. Economics is a made up concept to explain a way relationships & our choices about them are made.
Let the discussion begin.
Hay John,
Thanks for this oppotunity to let you know and others what i would blog about, well
It is about how you can eat healthy keep fit and live a longer and more fulfilled lifestyle.
With so many over weight people causes heart bone breathing digestive problems
Not to mention the simple fact is obese people don’t feel good about themselves or there lives. Even young kids so sad when life has so much to offer.
Bryce over and out.
As for me, I feel it is important to blog on blogging.
I find a lot of people are interested in blogging. They thought by just posting articles in their blog, readers will come to their blog. In truth, there are a lot more work require, if they are seriously want to increase traffic to their blog.
That’s why I select this niche to blog as I believe this niche will last a long time. In my blog, I share various plugins that will increase traffic, aware who is your reader, where do they come from, which topic is popularly read,how the readers know my site. I also posted on some social networking items that will help in getting more readers to your blog.
Alwin Chuah (Malaysia)
Mr John, hoping that all is well. Been having difficulties in the beginning stages but it’s slowly but surely coming along. I’m more than sure that my site when completed will be successful & will keep in touch on how things are going. Keep up the great work & when I get where I wanna be, I’ll be in touch.
Cool idea John, my favorite subject is Reality, and I am going to blog about everything about it from beliefs to some very far out reasioning I hope people like, thanks for playing your part in our reality John!
If i had to pick only one topic to blog about i think it would be about “Making money in the internet” . But i really haven”t yet set up any yet other then a blog about my community website that i am trying to recruit members for. I have so much on my plate i think i will need a much bigger fork.
John S
Hi John, i think i would blog about people with Spinal Cord
Injuries. I’ve been a C/5-C/6 Quad for almost 18 years now
and i run into alot of newly injured SCI that dosen’t get the support they need from their Spouse, Family or Friend’s or just need a friend to talk to. I just want them to know that their is a way of moving on.
Hi John
I’m a newbie, and have not set my word press blog up yet, but I’m working on it. I enjoy your blog, and I hope I can get mine to look as good.Thank you
thanks for the opportunity!!!
i for one will love to teach people how to make money online, cos am so passionate about it and love to teach people how to be their own boss.
Hi John,
I’ld blog about the automotive scene in Singapore. With the F1 race contract and the upcoming Changi race-track, the automotive industry here is about to get all hyped up. There are just tons of information to cover on this one topic alone. There are car clubs and forums, news and events, products and services…etc.
Each category alone brings refreshing news and creates interesting reading material for the novice driver and the seasoned alike!
Cheers, William
Hi john,
For me blogging is the most exciting way to discover the world to communicate with other paople even in the remotest part of the world, to know their lives the way they make a living it is just like being on tour to any part of the world without leaving your own room and feeling the way they feel, the happiness and the remorse for some the despair and success to feel the love even you are apart the most and the goodest thing man has ever invented! the internet as if we are one no bounderies and distance for communication so this is the fact of todays world and thank you john for inviting me.
I will choose a blog topic : Free Income from Blog,because helping people to have income without spending money make people love you and what you are doing.
Wow, over 20 comments!
Keep them coming in!
Less than 15 hours to go before contest ends!
For me, it has to be skin ailments. A slightly bizarre and ‘out there’ topic I agree but one, I believe, is a growing market.
From Rosacea to Athlete’s Foot, there is a skin ailment for everyone 🙂
Now, I realize that a lot of people are going to go ‘Bleah – unclean! unclean!’ when they read this but, if you contract a skin condition and you have nowhere left to turn; then you can find me by clicking on my name above!
John – thanks for all your invaluable and help over the weeks and months I’ve been a subscriber. Every email is eagerly opened!
Hi John,
What I have been wanting to start blogging about for months now is Natural/Alternative Health. I have been doing some research and trying to get things together by searching other blogs and websites about the subject. There are some awesome things out there to learn about this subject and I want to make it a fantastic site to go to and find out the information people need to find whatever they need to know about Natural/Alternative Health.
With all this stuff going on about a National Health Care Plan and apparently all the obesity in the US (the statistics are staggering) plus all the other health problems from years of unhealthy eating, not exercising enough, etc., this is something that needs to be out there for people to easily find the information they need. It seems the 1st place we turn to is our physician when, in fact, all most of them want to do is prescribe this drug or that drug. Every time we take one of those drugs it lowers our immune system so we can’t fight off infections, viruses, etc. Most people don’t know this and we need to get the information out to people that we need to start taking care of our bodies ourselves by eating healthy and naturally, regular exercise, etc. We need to do our best to quit filling the pockets of drug companies and physicians and hopsitals who only want to treat with drugs instead of instructing us how to take care of our bodies naturally.
Being a Post-Polio person – I love to sound off about those rotten people who refuse to vaccinate!!
My dream is to have a world WITHOUT polio!
Greetings John and other Beloved Friends!
Wow,john,so happy to be one of the lucky winners of this fantastic prize!I am really looking forward to diving right into the material and start implementing your strategies right away,so i can begin to monetize my passion for sharing the proccess of Integrated Ascension,God and Self Realization,Transcendance of the Negative Ego and Mastery of ones 3 Minds,4 bodies and Consciousness!Surely you have blessed me even as God has with a platform to do this and the support and recognition is a real boost!Thanks again my Friend and Teacher!
I am actually sitting down in the Melbourne CBD on the Full Moon Night here on Tuesday.(Actually there is a Lunar Eclipse on tonight too!)checking my emails at the 24 hours Maccas on Elizabeth st as i am passing through to my residence in the Country.I was so happy to see that i had placed 3rd in the contest i decided to buy everyone a drink around me.So out went the Note and no change was returned but everyone was happy and got a drink!Dont we all love Prosperity Cosnciousness!We are all truely blessed with total abundance and the minute we ask and pray for something in full faith it is given in full.We just have to wait for it to come into manifestation!
I also want to say well done to everyone else who won this months contest.Well done you must have really earnt and deserved it.i look forward to hearing more from you and learning along side with you all Johns Exellent system.Also good luck to everyone else in the next round of competition.I am sure all those who really deserve it will be choosen as the Law is always exact and perfect.We must love the Law and even above the Law be Love,for love is above the Law!Thanks a Million Billion and all blessings outwards forever to everyone gathered here!
In Love,Power,Wisdom,Integration and Synthisis,
Good morning to you John.
It’s 7:30 in the morning and I thought I would check my emails. I saw the email from you and said oh well, I know I didn’t win but I will look. To see that I had won, was just great. If you could have seen the look on my face you would have felt my excitment. I had no one to tell but my dog Princess.
Thank you so much, I feel like I’m getting another chance to pull this together.
Thank You
Wow . . John . . Thanks so very much. I am so grateful for the chance to get my blog up with your help. I will work very hard I assure you. I never win anything so this is very exciting for me.
Thanks Again
Hi John,
As of this moment, I have not started with my website. I’am working and I only have few hours left to do it.
But hopefully I will start this weekend. As for the topic, there are lots going on my mind, but one word keep pooping out ” passion ” ….. still thinking….
so far, your materials helped me to understand blogging business.
I am happy to hereing you lot of experiences with this communication progress.
Hey John,
Thank you so much – I can’t remember the last time I won anything and this prize is amazing!! (I need all the help I can get right now, as my PC and I never have been the best of friends, if you know what I mean!)
Take care,
I guess I am late for this one. Free blog membership sounds too cool to let go, you know.
Hey this is a chill looking blog, I was just searching for this last night. Glad I finally found what I needed.