[Blogging for Newbie 101] Step 3: Installation of Plugins
18 CommentsHi,
(Previous module: Choosing of Domain)
In this post, I am going to talk about “Installation of Plugins” .
First, you need to have the following 17 plugins.
1. Advanced Search
2. Akismet (Get your API Key from https://wordpress.com/)
3. All in One SEO Pack
4. Avatars
5. Dagon Design Form Mailer
6. Google Analytics for WordPress (Get your Google analytic code from https://www.google.com/analytics/ )
7. Google XML Sitemaps (Submit your sitemap to https://www.google.com/webmasters/tools/home?hl=en )
8. Related Posts
9. Search Meter
10. Sociable
11. Subscribe Remind
12. Subscribe To Comments
13. Tweet This
14. What Would Seth Godin Do
15. WordPress.com Popular Posts
16. WordPress.com Stats (Get your API Key from https://wordpress.com/)
17. WP Super Cache
Question: how do I access the plugins?
>> Watch the video below on how to install plugins:
– Go to the WordPress admin dashboard.
– On the sidebar, go to “Plugins” >> “Add New”
– Enter the name in the search bar
– Once you find the right plugin, go to the right (under Actions) and click on “Install”
– There will be a window pop up. Click on Install.
– Then, you will see “Activate Plugin” in a new page. Click on it and you are done.
– Repeat the steps for all the plugins installation (except 5. Dagon Design Form Mailer )
To transfer this file, you need to
# 1) Download and uncompress dd-formmailer-wp.zip with a free FTP
# 2) Upload the entire dd-formmailer directory to your WordPress plugins directory
# 3) Activate the plugin
Note: Every plugin will have its step-by-step guide in their home pages on how to activate them, how to edit their settings.
So I will not be repeating it as the purpose of this blogging series to for you to have an overview of setting up and having your blog live within the shortest time.
Before I end off, on a personal note, I really hope you apply what you have learnt. Go get your blog by buying a domain at godaddy.com and get a webhost to house your blog.
Access your cpanel and install your blog using Fantastico.
Do it now. I love Action Taker and to show you that you are one, submit your blog url/ link in the comment box below. I don’t really care if it is a 1 day old blog or it has no content. All I need to see is that you are progressing everyday, a step at a time.
This is how I build my blogging business foundation, a brick at a time.
So submit your blog url/ link below now and in a sentence or two, share with me what your blog is about.
Ok, I need to go off now…in the next module, I will be talking about “Publishing of Content” Plus “Hyperlinking the Text”
18 Responses to “[Blogging for Newbie 101] Step 3: Installation of Plugins”
Feel free to leave a comment...
and oh, if you want a pic to show with your comment, go get a gravatar!
I can’t believe you’re so generous to share the knowledge. Will check out one by one. Thanks a bunch.
This is a great list of plug ins! All have a distinct purpose to make blogging more efficient and effective.
Providing the downloads as well as the video tutorial is a terrifically valuable gift. Thank you.
Terry Loving
Taking the local out of Small Business
You are welcome Viviana and Terry…keep the comments coming!
Thanks so much for all the ideas for plugins. Hope this helps me get some traffic.
Do have a look.
Thanks indeed for all the lessons and your generousity
my blog is about understanding and using the higher factors of our mind to achieve success.
You are welcome Olive…
Good work, Samuel!
Keep the comments coming in!
hi Yeo:
i have installed all plugins except
1.advanced search and
2. avatars
the reason is that they are many variations i did not know which one to pick. please clarify this
hi yeo:
how can i add a photo of myself to my blog?
please give some insights
hi Sam, to insert photo, use photo related plugin. test n use the one u like most.
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Hi John Yeo,
I hope you don’t mind but I think I badly needed your help. I need someone to teach me how to setup my blog site in order. Can you help me??
I have here my blog site https://mattscradle.com also to other blogger even a small advice is very welcome.
thanks in advance.
Sure, Adam…our tech team will help you set up once you get submit your payment…more info at
Thanks for the list of the 17 plugins. To make it easier for me I decided to use the Fast and Secure Contact Form instead of the Dagon Design Form Mailer. Fast and Secure Contact Form can be downloaded and installed from within WordPress Admin.
– Rick
Thanks for all the helpful advice.
These 17 plug ins are going to be a big help for all of us, thanks for sharing. I need a professional advice on my blog, please tell me what areas needs improvement…
Your comment makes me smile. Hang around with us bloggers, especially me with my typos and you’ll get use to the fact that we value you for your person and your ideas (and that gorgeous art I add) and not for those perfect details.
Wow, pretty generous. I mean, I am currently in a program that cost me $60 to learn these stuff. Thanks a lot! Newbies should really subscribe to you.