Happy National Day Singapore!

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from fiftymm99

Hi, I hope it has been a great long weekend for all my local subscribers as we celebrate our nation’s birthday!

Just wanna give a quick heads up on my Exclusive Underground Blog-Flipping Coaching Program as promised. I previously closed the program since it was full but I know there are some of you who are waiting for any new openings. As such, I was trying to work something out for you the past week.

I called up a few of my inner circle friends and asked them for a favour. These are my very close friends who had helped me a lot throughout my Internet Marketing Journey and I still work closely with them till this day. I feel my students would benefit greatly from their knowledge as well so I requested their help in the coaching program both in the physical classes and the support in the forums.

Also, with more help and coaches involved, the support would be much better for my students and thus I would be able to take a few more students into the program. The exact number is still unsure as I would have to measure and judge by the experience level of all my students.

My guess is I would only be able to take in another 2 or 3 more students and that’s it. I really wanna keep this program as EXCLUSIVE as possible so as to ensure that each and every student will get the MAXIMUM attention. Like I said before, I want to personally MAKE SURE that every one of these students succeeds so I would rather not take in more students than we can handle.

So if you’re interested and ONLY if you’re serious, You need to contact me ASAP on skype : johnyeoblogflip and drop me an email with your skype id at johnyeoblogflip@gmail.com

I still have a few on the pending list so the remaining slots will be given to those who make payment first (qualified) so make sure you grab your chance.

If you’re still unsure about what the program is about, you can read my previous posts or just chat me up on skype; I look forward to talking with you.

Again, Happy National Day Singapore!

To your success,
John Yeo

P.S.: Oh, these friends of mine are really underground people and I would not reveal who they are just yet. Some hints however is that one of them works for Channel News Asia, one is a full time internet marketer and one is previous programmer and currently a trainer.

P.P.S.: Also I might be inviting some of my previous coaching students to the class so that you can learn from your peers as well. My take is so you can learn from all levels.


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