3 Tips Which Sold This Blog For $347!

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This is the blog which was just sold!

iPad Blog sold for US$347!


It is weekend soon again and here is another blog post on blog flipping. I am glad that many of my students are making some side income from flipping blogs.

For this group of students, they love setting up blogs and dislike the later stuff. Blog flipping saves them the hassle of generating traffic to the blog and trying really hard to make an affiliate sale and at the same time, it generates them a 4 figure monthly income just by selling at most 4 blogs.

Let me share with you the secrets how this blog was flipped 8 hours ago.

It was a 3 days’ listing and this new iPad blog is sold for US$347!

3 tips which make the auction successful.

1. A professional looking design

Similar to buying any other items offline while on your shopping trip, whatever you buy must first be visually appealing to your eyes.

I have seen many amateurish looking blog being sold and the sellers wonder why no one ever bought their blogs.

So if you are going to be a blog flipper (even if you are a part time flipper), always make sure your blog has a professional feel.

2. A very detailed sales page

Most flippers have really short sales page. It really depends on your style. Most sellers will prefer the customers to ask questions. However, 99% of the viewers will not even bother to type in the Comment section of your auction listing. They will just simply click away from your page and view the other 999 Live auctions.

So do provide as much details as possible about your blog.

Potential buyers will appreciate the fact that you are making their buying experience easier.

3. Buying of upgrades

Most sellers do not buy upgrades and hope for the best.

Flippa (similar to eBay marketplace) has different upgrades such as highlighting your auction box, making your titles bold, featuring your listing on the front page of Flippa (thus resulting in 10 times more views)

Personally, I get 2 upgrades (highlighting and featuring on home page) which cost around 34usd.

The fee for highlighting your auction box is $5 and for featuring on home page is $29.

I know it is alot but it can push your selling price up by another few hundred dollars.

So won’t you invest in it?

So let’s do some calculations:
US$347 – $14 listing fee – $5 highlighting fee – $29 featuring on home page = US$299 profit after listing expenses

So flipping 4 blogs at 1 blog a week is possible to generate a US$1196 monthly income.

So who says making 4 figure income a month from the internet is hard…

If you can set up a blog and I am sure you can, you can do it…Yes, You!

Believe in yourself!

To your success!


P.S: Registration for next batch of coaching students start now.

I am only taking in 3 students per month

Sign up for your blog flipping coaching session Here!


4 Responses to “3 Tips Which Sold This Blog For $347!”

  1. jan morgan says

    Hi John,
    Those are very good common sense approach to flipping sites especially upgrading to get the top listing. I think people who understand SEO would understand the importance of this. I sent you a personal email.

    I like the template on the site that just sold. If you are willing to share I’d like to investigate futher.

    Keep up the good work.
    J Morgan

  2. Edward Han says

    Yes, I can see that this design looks very professional. Sometimes I wish I can do it. But then I am still not that good. Anyway, I am a true believer that as long as you put in effort, you will receive your pot of gold.

    I have done in other ways of earning money.

    Congratulation for the sale!

  3. John Yeo says

    Thanks Jan….for the template, it was designed by us.

    Yes, saw your email on signing up for our blog flipping coaching. welcome and look forward to working with you

  4. Khairul Hazwan says

    Hai John, thanks for the great tips.

    I totally agreed with you on the 1st tips. Yes, customer nowadays especially online ‘judge a book on it’s cover’.

    1st impression are really important.

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