18 Year Old Made US$297 for Less Than 1 Hour of Work– Student Interview #5

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In this last interview, I am featuring an 18 year old gentleman who has made over US$200 for less than 1 hour of work and he did this while he was still schooling…I think he may be having lesson in classroom when the money was sent to him.

Making money online is certainly possible for anyone as you have seen that it has been possible for
– an army boy who made over US$1000 during his first 2 weeks,
– a stay-at-home dad who made money from home,
– a full time housewife who got approached by companies to redesign their blogs and
– an admin clerk who is planning to quit his job soon.

Read on to find out how he made money while he is still schooling.
(And remember to sign up at the link below so you can join our next upcoming coaching class in a few weeks’ time.)

>>>Start of interview>>>

1. Tell us more about yourself and how you got to know this course

I’m a full time student and currently studying for my national A Levels examination. I’ve been reading a lot about Internet Marketing and have been trying to start my own online business for more than a year. I happened to come across John Yeo’s website through another link and have signed up for his newsletter. In one of his email newsletters, he promised $1000 in 1 month. I was fascinated!

2. Why did you sign up for the course?

John guaranteed $1000 in 1 month. After reading up on many Internet Marketing ebooks, no one can actually promised earning money. I’ve bought several ebooks on internet marketing but I still could not actually get about starting it. I realised that I actually needed someone to guide me and to show me how it is done. Since John promised to show how to earn money online face to face, I could not give up this chance!

3. Tell us what you learn from the course?

I have actually never heard of blog flipping before. I learnt how to research on market demand, how to start and building a site, and also how to list and market them on flippa. Besides that, John and his team of trainers and coaches also taught many business strategies of increase and multiplying our profits. But besides all these, I have gained more insight on Internet Marketing which would help me more in the future.

4. What have you achieve so far? How much money have you made?

Being a full-time student, time management is always an issue. I was keen in being successful in blog flipping but I do not want to compromise my study. I’ve only managed to sell one site so far but still I’ve managed to make around $200+ USD profit … not bad for a student who just turned 18! 😀

5. What is your overall experience of the course and how would you recommend it to everyone else?

I have stopped blog flipping for now to concentrate on my studies. But I believe that I would be able to earn $1000 as promised by John soon enough. What John and his team does is not only to teach you a detailed step-by-step to earning money through blog flipping, but literally CLICK-BY-CLICK!

They really teach what to click for each step and make sure you are actually doing the right thing. And if you happen to miss-click, or miss a click, they will always be around to guide and support you until you are back on the right click!

I would say earning $1000 is 99% guaranteed, because if you want it to be 100%, John would have to literally hold your hand to click!

I would recommend this course to anyone who are interested in earning their first paycheck online, so long as you know how to use a mouse!

To get notified of our next blog flipping coaching class

which will be happening in a few weeks’ time,

Now Sign Up At:

(18 year old student Shawn did it; so can you!)

=> https://www.johnyeo.name/list-building/private-coaching-and-apprentice-program-now-open/


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Read previous post:
Newbie Targets $1000 Profit Every Month! – Student Interview #4

Today, I am featuring this interview of this gentleman who has a full-time job and he is targeting to make...
