You Are Invited To Guest Blog Here!

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hair standing
from nogsonline


I have received quite a few emails asking if you can submit your blog post or article to my blog.

Thanks for your initiative in wanting to benefit our readers. I really appreciate your kind gesture.

So from today onwards and once a week, I will post a guest blog post.

Here are more pointers on what can be submitted and how you can do the submission…

Of course, the blog post must be of great value to our readers. And I will screen through your submissions.

And the articles must fulfill the following criteria.

– related to internet marketing or business mindset
– at least 500 words
– made up of short paragraphs of about 3 to 5 sentences per paragraph
– must not be self-promotional
– pointers can be in bullet points or numbers or both for easy reading
– content must be self-written and unique
– written in a manner, as if sharing and chit-chatting with your friends
– use “you”
– article will have to pass CopyScape test
– not promoting any form of affiliate product/ service

In return, I will allow you to place a resource box of at most 15 words, sharing who you are and a live backlink to your blog at the end of your blog post.

You can submit your articles in my contact form. (Remember to save your article in a notepad or Microsoft word before submitting. =)

Here is a great guest article post:
Turning PLR into a Short Report


5 Responses to “You Are Invited To Guest Blog Here!”

  1. Joseph Chmielewski says

    What an outstanding way to develop autopilot blog content and attract Search Engine Bots to a fresh feast of new link fodder.

    I like the ethical focus, and insistance on quality content. Eliminating affiliate promos and thinly disguised ads will keep the content focused on helping, not selling.

    These standards also give newcomers a chance to learn how to write Blog content, so, if you work with budding authors, you can develop an informal mentoring program. What a great way to build trust in you and what you stand for.

    I have been posting recommendations on Twitter for increasing the professionalism and ethics of Internet Marketing, and will recommend this Blog post.

  2. Rhonda says

    Seems like a really great opportunity for those in the IM niche! The conditions you’ve stated for submissions are certainly fair.

    Thanks for opening up the opportunity!

  3. Cary Ganz says

    Thanks for the opportunity to add comments to your blog. As someone who has entered the internet marketing arena with a new online business, The Newbie Phenomenon (shameless plug) I wish there were more places for all marketers to really interact and share informtion. Helping one is as good as helping all.

  4. Phil@sell successfully online says

    What a great idea!

    Apart from the obvious benefits to those writing guest blogs your readers will benefit from interesting new slants from other writers. I wish that I had thought of it first.

  5. John Yeo says

    @Joseph, I always believe each of us knows something which others dont…so u can share what u know too in a guest blog post and benefit others

    @Rhonda, thanks

    @Cary, thanks alot…perhaps u can share about top 10 plugins which you use for your blogs?

    @Phil, u can share with us some interesting insights u have on your blog =)

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and oh, if you want a pic to show with your comment, go get a gravatar!

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