How To Make $50 A Day On The Internet – Part 4

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from glennkarlsen

From Part 3 of these 5-posts series, now Dee Power of Your Financial Independence Day is going to talk about Article Writing.

Find a writer who will ghostwrite twenty 250 word articles for you. Ghostwritten articles means that the articles are yours to do whatever you like with after you’ve paid for them. The writer can’t ever sell them to anyone else.

Budget about $50 for these articles. Give your keyword phrases to the writer to use in the title of each article. As the articles are completed have them sent to you in batches of 5. That way you can get started and not have to wait for all 20 to be finished.

If you have never worked with the writer before you might be more comfortable paying 50% of the fee up front and then the other 50% when the articles are completed. Or pay for a package of 5 articles to determine the quality before you pay for all of them. Establish a deadline for each batch of five articles to be completed.

The ghostwriters below are offered as a resource and no particular recommendation is implied. These writers charge various prices, some of which may be more than the budgeted $50.


There are a number of webmaster focused forums where you can post a “want to buy” (WTB) thread. and Digital Point are probably the most well known. Join both of these forums as they’re valuable resources beyond finding writers. General membership is free.

Buy a package of at least ten 300 word articles with private label rights (PLR). Visit and digital point forums and pick up a package there. Budget about $8.00 for these articles. Different authors offer different types of private label rights. Make sure the PLR you get includes ‘you can edit the material,’ ‘put your name as author,’ ‘use it as web content’ and ‘blog posts.’

Private Label Rights can include:

[YES] Private use
Learn from the materials but you can’t do anything else with the content.

[YES] Can be sold
Sell the content as an ebook and keep the profit. Set up an affiliate program and your affiliates can sell the content as long as you remain in control of it. You have to provide the download link and collect the money and pay your affiliates. Or you can use a program such as Clickbank which collects the money and then pays you and the affiliate.

[YES] Can be given away as an incentive
Use the content as a freebie to motivate people to sign up for your list. Or just give it away.

[YES] Can be packaged with other paid products
If you have other materials on the same subject that you’re selling, combine the content and sell it all together.

[YES] Can be offered as a bonus with paid product
Give the content as a bonus when you sell a product.

[YES] Can Be submitted to article directories (follow their Terms of Service – TOS)
If the article directory says the content has to be 100% written by you, or you have to have exclusive rights to the content, you can’t submit PLR content. You can rewrite it to fit their TOS.

[YES] Can be used as web content
self explanatory

[YES] Can be used as an e-course/autoresponder sequence
Set it up as a series for your autoresponder or sell it as an e-course that’s set up on an autoresponder.

[YES] Can be used as blog posts
Self explanatory

[YES] Can be broken down into smaller articles
Break the ebook or report into smaller chunks and use those as articles, web pages or blog posts.

[YES] Can be combined to create longer articles
Combine shorter articles into a longer article. Or combine a number of shorter articles into a report or ebook.

[YES] Can be edited.
You can change the content however you wish, as much, or as little, as you wish.

[YES] Can have your name put on them
Put your name on the material as the author.

[YES] Can sell Resale Rights
Selling the rights to resell the content. The person you sell resale rights to can then sell the content without paying you any additional money. But that person can’t sell the rights to sell the content to anyone else. Resale rights don’t mean you can change the content, add to it, edit it, or put your name on it, unless these other rights are granted as well.

[YES] Can sell Master Resale Rights
One step further than resale rights. The person can sell the rights to sell the content to anyone else and they can then resell the content and so forth.

[YES] Can sell Private Label Rights
Selling the private label rights to the material.

[YES] Can be added to membership sites
The material is added to a membership site. There are several different kinds of membership sites. And some writers differentiate the rights based on whether the membership is paid or free. Or whether the content is informational only (personal use) for the members or any rights can be passed on to the members.

[YES] Can be offered through auction sites
Can be sold or given away through an auction site.

You could write the articles yourself but having them ghostwritten, or using PLR, provides a boost in getting started and saves you time.

super article traffic


4 Responses to “How To Make $50 A Day On The Internet – Part 4”

  1. Trish Baker says

    It takes two to tango. have faith with your writers and they will do the same too.

  2. oscar carino see says

    Hello John,

    Am so much interested in this so called blooging aspect of interenet marketing. However, a newbie as I am, still doesn’t understand the technicalities on what, when, where and how to do this. But my interest, even with these affiliate progams are so great. I believe, with the right guru rather mentor, i learn will learn it in due time, despite my condition and status in life.

    Thank you

    Respectfully your,

    oscar carino see

  3. John Yeo says

    Yes, true…we all have choices to make in our lives and the best thing is we have the power to choose

  4. sally whitfield says

    using PLR provides a boost in getting started and saves you time… one of the many reasons I love plr

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