How To Make $50 A Day On The Internet – Part 3

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from glennkarlsen

From Part 2 of these 5-posts series, now Dee Power of Your Financial Independence Day is going to talk about Selecting of Blogging Platforms.

Open a Blogger account. It’s free. If you prefer you can set up a website rather than a blog.

Setting up a website isn’t difficult once you know the basics. You will need to use a “what you see is what you get” wysiwyg html composer. Those work like a word processing program. What you see on the screen is how your web page will look. The html coding is done by the program.

The other alternative is to hire someone to design the home page of your site and one inner page. When you add additional pages copy the code for the inner page and replace the narrative with the new content. Save the page with a file name that includes the keyword phrase. Link the new page to the home page with the file name. This may sound confusing but once you’ve done it several times it’s pretty easy. The easiest web design is to use two columns. The first column is the widest and contains the content of your page, the second column contains links to all the inner pages. You can also put AdSense revenue in the second column as well as the main column.

Each inner page just has a link back to the home page. That way when you add a new page you only have to add the link to the home page and not every inner page.

You’ll need a domain and a web host. There are lots of places that will host your site for a reasonable monthly fee.

Use one of your keyword phrases as the name of your blog/website. If, let’s say, Quick Weight Loss Secrets is taken. Put your name in the blog, so it would be Quick Weight Loss Secrets from Dee. If you already have a website you can skip setting up a blog, or you can set up the blog to drive traffic to your website and to provide backlinks.

A backlink is a one way link back to your site. These backlinks mean increased traffic to your blog/website. Google looks at the number of backlinks when deciding the pagerank of a page. Pagerank is Google’s measure of importance of a website/blog and a web page. The more important the higher the ranking and, at least theoretically, the higher the results in the search results. You can find out the backlinks to your site by putting “links:your website url” in the search box at Google. So I would put in links: How to get a book published Authors Brian Hill and Dee Power for example.

Blogging is a website (don’t worry no website skills needed) that you update every day or so with posts about your chosen subject. Visitors can comment on your posts for others to see. Live Journal, Blogger, WordPress are just a few of the free sites where you can quickly and easily set up your blog. There are many, many, more blogging sites.

I like blogger because you’re allowed to put advertising on your blog. WordPress doesn’t allow advertising unless you set it up on your own domain and host the blog yourself.

Before you set up your blog come up with a good bio. You want to establish yourself as trustworthy and knowledgeable about your niche. People are more likely to buy from someone they trust. Include a photo of yourself. Some experts say that it’s perfectly okay to use a stock photo of someone else because attractive photos are found to be more trustworthy. If you’re using your own name I would suggest you use your own photo.

There may be some exceptions. If you’re a guy and your website or blog is about weddings, brides may not feel that you know what you’re talking about. Or if you’re obviously overweight, people may not believe your advice concerning weight loss unless you’re in the process of losing weight or have already lost a good amount of weight.

* * *

A closing note:
A blog is like a shop where you send your customers to. A blog is a 24-hour shop where it shows the products you are selling or promoting.

In article marketing, it consists of a proper simple system:

Traffic from article directories via article to your blog = Sales

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6 Responses to “How To Make $50 A Day On The Internet – Part 3”

  1. How To Make $50 A Day On The Internet – Part 4 | John Yeo's Work AT Home Blog - says

    […] From Part 3 of these 5-posts series, now Dee Power of Your Financial Independence Day is going to talk about Article Writing. […]

  2. Alan says

    Fantastic ideas, very helpful. Will keep coming back for updates.

  3. Norene says

    Thanks for the great blog post! I have used this method often and it works well! -Norene

  4. John Yeo says

    Hi Alan and Norene, Glad you love them =)

  5. Mike Maggs says

    Very sound advice here. I almost always use a WordPress platform when I design a site for my IM consulting customers. The flexibility is unbelievable.

  6. backlink packets says

    Just surfed in, and have to say that his is a great post.

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How To Make $50 A Day On The Internet – Part 2

from chmurka From Part 1 of these 5-posts series, now Dee Power of Your Financial Independence Day is going to...
